EGGPLANT 'Black Beauty' 75 seeds purple heirloom vegetable (Solanum melongena).
  • Black/purple fruit growing to 16cm by 13cm
  • Very popular
  • Aubergine

Perennial grown as an annual in cool climates. Very popular variety. Bushy spreading plant that produces smooth, rounded, black/purple fruit growing to 16 by 13cm. Heavy cropping variety bearing large purple pear-shaped fruits.
Commonly used in stews, sauces, baked, fried, stuffed and grilled. Eggplant is also known as "Aubergine".
Black Beauty eggplant is a hit with gardeners who want an eggplant variety that produces deep, purple, plump fruit earlier than most other varieties. It's a prolific producer with tender, flavorful fruit that grows for the whole season.

Planting Guide:

Method:Sow direct or raise seedlings
Planting  Depth: 5mm
Season:Spring, Summer, Autumn Frost tender
Germination:7-14 days at 24-32°C
 Life Cycle:Frost tender Perennial (grown as an annual in cool climates)
Row Spacing: 80cm
Plant Spacing: 70cm
Position:Full sun, moist well drained soil
Days to Maturity/Flowering:72-85 days
*Notes: Plants may need staking. Picking regularly encourages more fruit. Can be grown as a perennial in warm climates.