The series of stamps "Defenders of Ukraine" consists of two postage stamps "Boyets Brand" and "Boyets Leshiy". The stamps were put into circulation on 10/12/2018. The envelope of the first day "Defenders of Ukraine" was issued specially for postage stamps and a special stamp was made.

In 2014, Russia began its aggression against Ukraine. Martial law was not declared in Ukraine. The combat zone was called the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) zone.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Police, and volunteer battalions were involved in the defense of the country. Due to the large number of units, the defense of Ukraine's eastern borders was called Operation United Forces (UFO).

In the period from 2014 to 2021, according to the UN, more than 4,000 defenders of Ukraine died in the war zone.

Soldiers of the "Azov" regiment are depicted on the "Brand" and "Boyets Leshiy" fighters postage stamps. The Azov Regiment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was formed based on volunteers who joined it at the beginning of Russian military aggression.

The basis for the stamps is taken from real photographs taken by Ivano-Frankivsk military photojournalist Mykhailo Mygovych.

The photos that formed the basis of the postage stamp were taken in the ATO zone. For two years, the photographer traveled to the war zone and worked on the "Eastern Outpost" photo series with the defenders of Ukraine.

The author's photos show soldiers of the "Azov" regiment. They were photographed in the breaks between battles on the front line, during training on the training ground, or during rest at the "Azov" base in Urzuf.

Artists of Ukrposhta selected several photos for the "Defenders of Ukraine" series of postage stamps.

Two photos of soldiers of the Ukrainian Army were chosen. As a result of the work, two new brands appeared

Postage stamp ATO fighter Brand

Postage stamp ATO fighter Leshyi