

-This fresh matcha was cultivated
and processed in Japan,    
and will be shipped directly from Japan.
Macha quality and price are varied mainly
by procedures and the time of harvest.
Low priced macha is harvested in fall
and produced by a "ball mill"
which can produce massively
(produces 1000g per hour approx.)
by this method, it deteriorates
quolity of Matcha in color, scent, taste,
natural sweetness and good nutritions by heat.
Matcha that was ground by Ball Mill
precipated in water cleary after minuits

 Our Matcha is harvested in Spring,
and spent a lot of time for grounding
with a stone mill as a traditional procedure.
This procedure enhances Matcha`s
aroma and sweetness,
and it`s color and scent are kept fresh.
After tasting this Matcha,
Rich Aroma remains in a nose.

A stone mill can mill matcha particle
smaller than 10μ.
our matcha will not be precipitated
in water for a while.

One stone mill can produce Matcha
only 30g to 40g per hour.
To ship  fresh matcha, We produce
Matcha only for orders.

Here is a matcha directly from Japan,
the best quality for price.
Recommended Matcha for ceremoney
and for cooking.

-Ceremonial style:
Put about 2g Matcha and 80 Celsius
once boiled hot water into a cup,
use Tea Whisk and mix matcha
and the hot water like writing "m"
and get rid of matcha lumps with it.
Tea strainer is recommended
to break matcha lumps.

-Matcha Latte:
1. Heat Milk 200cc. and Sugar 10g to 15g
(Try Non Calory Sugar Luo Han Guo Monk Fruit).

2. Use tea strainer and put
Matcha 2g to 3g into a cup
and pour little amount of the milk
and stir the milk and matcha well.
You can use Tea Whisk or Frother
and make good and foamy latte.

3. When milk become warm enough,
pour the rest of milk into the cup.
You can add some matcha powder
on top of the matcha latte
using tea strainer to look good.
You can add Icecube
and make cold Matcha Latte
this way as well in stead of heating milk.

-Matcha Ice Cream with Vanilla:
1. Mix tea spoon of water
with Matcha 1 to 3 tea spoons (use tea strainer)
and stir untill matcha lumps dissapear.

2. Pour onto Vanilla Ice Creme 100g.
You can stir and mix them
like a Turkish Ice creame texture.
in the end you can pour matcha powder
using tea strainer on matcha ice cream
and on dish with crackers.
If Matcha Ice creme is too soft,
put it into Freezer for a while.

Approx.70% of nutrition that does not dissolve into water. Approx.30% of nutrition that dissolves into water.
 (Vitamine A)
●Oxidation prevention of cholesterol
Vitamine C ●The promotion of collagen generation.
●prevention of ageing and sickness・Prevention of a Wrincle,
a freckle and a spot. Beautification and whitening
●Enhancement of immunity
●Cancer prevention・Prevention of Arteriosclerosis・
It is related to the generation of the anti-stres hormone.
●It takes part in the alcohol decomposition.
●It takes part in the detoxifying process of the liver.
Vitamine E ●Adjustment of cholesterol
●Prevention of stiff shoulders
●Oxidation prevention of cell
●Stabilization of cell film
Chlorophyll ●Beautification and whitening
Vitamine P
●Absorption of vitamin C and it`s the function are improved.
●build up capillary health ●Prevention of high blood pressure
No solubleness Fiber ●Prevention of blood pressure and blood sugar level from rising
●Activation of activity in intestines・Poisonous substance excretion promotion
Caffeine ●Improvement of concentration
●Improvement of fat combustion at aerobics
Saponin ●Anti-inflammation action ●Antiallergic action
●Blood pressure descent action
●Obesity prevention action ●Anti-influenza action 
Protain  ●It is indispensable to make the muscle.
(Vitamine 3)
●Improvement of The blood circulation●Cholesterol decrease
●Cell metabolism&Restoration of gene
●It takes part in the insulin synthesis.
No solubleness catechin ●Cancer prevention
●Decrease of cholesterol
●Foul breath and decayed tooth prevention
Pantothenic acid
(Vitamine 5)
●Improvement of the recovery of the wound
●It is resistance power to the infectious disease.
●Tiredness prevention ●Reduction of side effect of medicine
●prevention of stress ●Increase of The beneficial cholesterol
●Keeping the health of the skin
●Metabolism of energy(obesity prevention)
No solubleness Mineral ●Maintain a good physical condition
Folic acid・
●Generate normal DNA, and the cancer cell is not made by the correction.
●Pernicious anaemia prevention
●Working of the neuronal cell is maintained. ●Arteriosclerosis prevention

Powder Green Tea can take all
nutriotions of Green tea
Amino Acid
●Tranquilizing effects(Fall in blood pressure and Calm)
Amino Acid
●Fall in blood pressure
Water solubility catechin
●Cancer prevention ●Decrease of cholesterol
●Foul breath and Decayed tooth prevention
Water solubility Mineral
●Maintain a good physical conditi
●The carbohydrate in the energy source is indispensable
to the energy transduction.
●Prevention of the tiredness accumulation
●Functional maintenance of central nerve and peripheral nerve
●Easing of stress 
●Preventive improvement such as stomatitises
●The skin like oil is held.
●Help of decomposition of alcohol
●Help of resolution of fat and converts it into energy.
●Promote metabolism and maintain a skin health
※Refer to the niacin.
※Refer to the pantothenic acid.

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