Brand New Too Ebay. 

*Warning : Intense O'Fire is a safe and highly effective Pre Workout however it's effects with some users are highly intense and cause many to be afraid. Intense O'Fire is the most Intense Pre Workout you will ever feel hands down, however it's reaction will (in most users) cause an EXTREME Tingle and Burning Feeling on the skin causing you to turn red. Intense O'Fire HIGHLY opens up your veins and arteries allowing Maximum Nitric Oxide intake. Note that the "burning/Tingle/Itching feeling is most intense for the first 20mins than calming down to a High Energy and Focus Formula hydrating and pumping you up highly. Please note that when in the gym your Max PR's will go up while taking this supplement, for it allows your body to function and its highest ability. For Beginners take 1 scoop or less, perhaps half a scoop for individuals not use to pre workouts. 2 Scoops for Professionals and Experienced  Athletes Only!!

Electr O'Fire is highly intense as well WITHOUT the Tingly Itchy Feeling or Redness of the Skin. 

 Thank You ......Man Of Odin Inc Mngt. 

Intense O'Fire

Finally a Pre-Workout that totally Intensifies your Energy and Focus without feeling Sick and Dizzy like all the Rest. Intense O'Fire is 500+ Grams of Pure INTENSITY Pre-Workout, its "Sweet Hot Bubble Gum" flavor is addictive and will feel like fire running through your veins within minutes. Your body temperature will instantly rise burning excess fat while all your cells get filled with ATP Energy and Free Testosterone Levels will rise and keep rising naturally. Intense O'Fire will get your blood boiling and ready to workout, and will keep you from wanting to leave the gym, you'll strive to always want 1 more set, 1 more rep, always wanting 1 more goal reached. Intense O'Fire was invented by Declan "The Ripper" Doyle and his team of Professional's, striving for a Pre Workout Product that actually works and seriously gets your body Intensified. After trying every Pre-workout in the market over the years Declan The Ripper Doyle wanted to out perform any Pre-workout product produced inventing Intense O'Fire - The Most Intense Pre-Workout available in the market today and we must say he did the job well ! TRY Intense O'Fire Today and Compare Ingredients to ANY Leading Pre Workout Available, Hands Down The Intense O'Fire will NOT Disappoint. 

***ANYONE TRYING THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN HANDS DOWN AMAZED> NOTHING WILL COMPARE, However AGAIN, ONLY EXPERIENCED GYM RATS OR ATHLETES should use this Product !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Electr O'Fire

Man Of Odin introduces The ELECTR O'FIRE : No Itch and No Burn, Pure Electro Energy Pre Workout. Electr O'Fire is for those of you who may not be able to tolerate the High Itch and Burn Feeling from Intense O'Fire Pre Workout. Electr O'Fire Pure Electro Energy Pre Workout will provide you a incredible pump, providing high energy and concentration. Electr O'Fire will fuel your cells with ATP energy, and open up all your Veins and Arteries with pure Nitric Oxide for More REPS and Bigger Pumps. Electr O'Fire will hydrate your muscles allowing you to perform harder and longer and our ingredient list can be compared to ANY competitor in the market and hands down Electr O'Fire will not disappoint. Compare Ingredients and you'll see you can't go wrong with Electr O'Fire. 

Electr O'Fire comes in 400Gram Jars with a Long Easy Dispensing Scoop, Flavored as Sweet Lemon Lime. 


The Natural IGF-1 / Testosterone Booster


New Zealand Red Deer Antler Velvet "TEST O'Fire" 100:1 (The Strongest and Purest Available Anywhere in the World)

*Full Growth Factor Matrix 100:1

*100 Vegetarian Capsules
*Up to 3000mg's Per Dose
*1000mg's Each Capsule
*100,000mg's Per Jar
*19,992ng's of IGF-1 Per Capsule
*1,999,200.00ng's of IGF-1 Per Jar
*100:1 Organic Red Deer Antler Velvet (100lbs concentrated to 1lb)
*Extreme Nitric Oxide, IGF-1 Boosting, Testosterone Boosting added Blend.
*0% Harmful Chemicals, Additives, Fillers, Preservatives, Radiation, or GMO added.
*100% Organic Ingredients with 0% "Other Ingredients"
*1 Jar lasts 30days
*Contains Over 30 types of Naturally Occurring Amino Acids.

****Before  Reading All About This Product we need to inform you this product has a  recommended "Standard Dose" and "Maximum Dose" however regardless of  the recommended doses, due to the Very High and Potent STRENGTH of this  product we recommend to lower doses in the beginning until you get use  to the to continue..

Increase Your IGF-1 and Testosterone Today

Remember the days when you simply "Felt Good", well so do we, bring back the Strong, bring back the Energy, bring back the MAN ! Try Test O'Fire Today. 

Get Your IGF-1 in Test O'Fire

Tired of so many useless Deer Antler Products in the market today. Around 90% of them are  produced in China and Sent here to the United States. The remaining 10%  may come from New Zealand however the "Added Ingredients" or "Other Ingredients" are either simple fillers such as Rice or Flour or contain harmful fillers such as dicalcium phosphate, talc, and more which actually can cause cancer. This is Man Of Odin Inc steps into the  picture. We believe in 100% Potent Ingredients, yet safe, and Organic without any Chemicals, Harmul Additives, Hormones, Radiation, Harmful  Fillers, or GMO ingredients. 

Notice how the leading Deer Antler Products claim 100% Pure, however you then read the "Other Ingredients" column and find things like Ascorbic Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, Lemon or Lime Flavoring, adding sugar and then all the added chemicals which cause cancer, what happened to 100% Pure Deer Antler Velvet. Come On People wake up, get real, and buy Professional Grade Red Deer Antler Velvet produced with Actual Real Ingredients where you get the benefits as well as adding Protection to your body and  organs and leaving out all the rest of the useless garbage that hurts you.

Test O'Fire Red Deer Antler Velvet Professional Grade  actually comes from New Zealand first of all. Second of all we wanted to  leave the competition far behind so we potentised it to 100:1, meaning it took 100lbs of the Tip and Top of Grade A Red Deer Antler Velvet to  produce just 1 Pound of our Test O'Fire 100:1....Amazing. The Deer Antlers used are Grass Fed in New Zealand, Grazing Freely and in no way were harmed during the process. They have never been given any hormones or chemicals nor eat any GMO foods or grain. 

Third, Unlike most competitors who do offer a concentrated form of Deer Antler (ours  leaving them all behind) supply you with a tiny amount such as 100-300mg's, so small it would have little effect on the body, then they  charge you 2-3 times the price of what we charge our customers for an  inferior product by far. Each Jar of Buck Up consists of 100x1000mg Capsules.  At Maximum Dose for those who just cant wait and hit the gym or  your sport so hard we allow 3 capsules to be taken per day which will  last a user 30 days while taking 3000mg's per day.

Now, we first  started with our Potentised (highly concentrated) Grade A Red Deer Antler Velvet but wanted to add that extra kick for added effect and  benefit, as well as to protect your body, especially liver, and to help  the Organic Concentrated Red Deer Antler Velvet 100:1 to be absorbed  much better and able to go to the places in the body in which it needs  to get to asap. So we added our Organic Proprietary Blend to get the Red  Deer Antler Velvet Results faster as well as more readily. 

The Pro Blend includes :
1)  200:1 Organic Beet Root Extract for added Extreme Nitric Oxide Boost.  It took 200lbs or Organic Beets to create just 1 Pound of Highly  Concentrated Beets in this Jar.
2) 100% Pure Organic L-Citrulline for added Nitric Oxide Boost.
3)  100% Pure Zinc Orotate which absorbs higher than any other zinc and  it's purpose is to carry nutrition such as IGF-1 to the cells, however  known to enable your body to be able to actually produce it's own  naturally like your body is suppose to do with good natural zinc levels.  0% Zinc levels in individuals have the lowest natural IGF-1 Levels.
4)  100% Pure Magnesium Orotate, the highest absorbable Magnesium which  naturally increases IGF-1 Levels as well as the #1 Mineral your body  needs to stay alive and healthy. Protects your whole body, bones,  cartilage, eats sugar in the body to loose fat and so much we would need  20 pages to fill in the benefits.
5) Ursolic Acid 25% is a  pentacyclic triterpenoid identified in the epicuticular waxes of apples  as early as 1920 and widely found in the peels of fruits, as well  as in  herbs and spices like rosemary and thyme, it naturally boosts your  IGF-1 levels to increase muscle size while reducing fat.
6) 100% Pure  HMB Powder is needed by the body to protect and repair  muscle tissue.  It is thought to do this by slowing muscle protein  breakdown and  speeding protein synthesis, and also by preserving the  structural  integrity of your muscle cells, as well as natually increasing your  IGF-1 Levels.
7) Boron is used for boron deficiency, painful  menstruation, building strong bones, treating osteoarthritis, as an aid  for building muscles and increasing testosterone levels, and for  improving thinking skills and muscle coordination, acts as a natural  IGF-1 Booster.
8) Organic Concentrated Cayenne Pepper 90,000 HU is  used to detox the body (gotta get healthy to get strong and fast),  relives joint pain, helps the heart rebuild and repair, supports weight  loss as well as anti inflammatory, Speeds up the Metabolism, Gets the  blood flowing, Reduces clots, allows Deer Antler to travel quickly in  the body, as well as so many added benefits.

9)Shilajit 100:1  rises Free Testosterone (The Type of Test that makes your grown muscle and reduces fat), and gets absorbed into the Testes where it decreases oxidative damage and increases sperm production.

*The Blend is on top  of the already Highly Extreme Professional Grade Dose of 100:1 Organic  Deer Antler Velvet which again means we got 100lbs and condensed it to just 1lb by cold process extraction to preserve it's full benefit.

So  you may ask, what should i expect. Well unlike Drugs, Chemicals, and Steroids with their nasty side effects, Buck Up Works 100% Naturally with your body to raise your IGF-1 Levels so the performance you gain in strength, size or speed is here to stay, why ?  Because you just trained your body to get your results naturally without fake chemicals which either only last a while or all results stop when  you stop taking them. We ask that a User allow 30-90 days on this  product to gets its potential and allow your body to feed off the  benefits of Buck Up. Day by Day your body will get what it needs to naturally grow stronger, leaner, faster, and bigger the right way as well as the safe way. This product is so effective yet safe a user can stay on the product for as long as he or she desires. 

Growth  Factor Matrix :  *contains  insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I,  insulin-like growth factor (IGF)  II, transforming growth factor alpha  (TGF-A), transforming growth factor  beta (TGF-B), epidermal growth  factor (EGF), erythropoietin (EPO), bone  morphogenetic proteins (BMPs),  fibroblast growth factor (FGF), growth  differentiation factor-9  (GDF9), interleukins, nerve growth factor (NGF)  and other  neurotrophins, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),  vascular  endothelial growth factor.  

Lastly but not least by far, the  leading competitor's jar contains 100,000ng's of IGF-1 Per Jar, sound  good ? Well Test O'Fire contains 1,999,200.00ng's per  jar, that's a difference of 1 Million 898 Thousand.

Try Test O'Fire Today.

Glute O'Fire :Glute O'FIRE is the Worlds Best Glute and Breast Enhancer

Man Of Odin Inc introduces Glute O'Fire, the World's Best Professional Grade Glute and Breast Enhancer. Glute O'Fire includes 13 of the World's Best Glute and Breast enhancing substances CONCENTRATED and processed COLD preserving their natural and concentrated strength. Ingredients in Glute O'Fire are Concentrated to a strength of 20:1 meaning it would take 20 times of the competitors ingredient to match each and every one of ours. Taking Just two capsules of Glute O'Fire would equal taking over 20 capsules or more of the closest competitor NOT INCLUDING, Man Of ODIN Inc has brought the very best ingredients all together in 1 easy to take product allowing you to have the best results possible. 

Glute O'Fire includes : 


PUERARIA MIRIFICA 20:1 and Fenugreek Seed 20:1

1) Man of Odin Pueraria Mirifica is concentrated to 20:1 meaning 20x stronger than the leading brand. Taking just 1 dose of Man Of Odin Pueraria Mirifica would equal taking 20 doses of the leading brand. 

Found exclusively in Thailand, Pueraria Mirifica is a herb that is known to naturally increase butt, hips, and breast size among many other health benefits. Studies have indicated that this herb is structured with two of the most powerful phytoestrogens Deoxymiroestrol, and Miroestrol.   These plant-based properties naturally mimic the human hormone estrogen which causes a woman’s body to store fat in her hips, butt, and breast. This is especially good for women with hormonal imbalances and males that want to increase butt size. 

Additional Benefits of Pueraria Mirifica Includes:  

*Bigger butt and hips. 

*Makes hair softer, and prevents hair loss, dryness, grey hairs. 

*Naturally, increase collagen production resulting in fewer wrinkles and increased skin *elasticity. 

*Reduces acne. 

*Fewer stretch marks. 

*Less facial hair & chest hair. 

*Lifts breast.

*Pueraria mirifica has been shown to increase sex drive. It can also increase vaginal                          moisture.

*Menopausal Symptoms : In a small clinical trial of 5 volunteers, an oral supplement of P. mirifica reduced symptoms of menopause. Patients received a 200 mg daily dose for 4 months, followed by 200 mg every 2 days. These patients showed decreases in menopausal symptoms, including [6]:  Hot flashes Frustration Sleep disorders Skin dryness High blood cholesterol levels Absent Periods Irregular periods

*In one study Pueraria mirifica supplementation increased the strength of signals sent between neurons. This means that it can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of brain function

This plant originates in Thailand and boasts large doses of phytoestrogens. Centuries ago, Buddhist monks praised its healing powers.  Most women use Pueraria Mirifica to increase hip and breast size. This herb raises estrogen levels, making your buttocks look bigger.  Pueraria Mirifica promotes overall health, and its rejuvenating properties have been known since ancient times. It stimulates hair growth, reduces hair loss, and boosts collagen levels in the skin. For this reason, it’s widely used in beauty products.  Due to its estrogenic properties, this herb strengthens your bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Moreover, it eases menopause symptoms and protects against breast cancer. When used regularly, it delays the aging process and increases libido

2) MAN OF ODIN FENUGREEK SEED is concentrated to 20:1 meaning 20x stronger than the leading brand. Taking just 1 dose of Man Of Odin Fenugreek Seed 20:1 would equal taking 20 doses of the leading brand. 

This is a unique herb that has a wide variety of uses and benefits. It is traditionally used as a seasoning in cuisines from across the world. Fenugreek also has medicinal uses and is commonly used by lactating mothers to increase milk production. It is also known to increase breast size by mimicking conditions in a woman’s body associated with breastfeeding, increasing blood flow to the area.  It is perfectly okay for women who are not lactating to take it, it will not cause milk production. It may just lead to firmer and fuller bust, and thicker hips.  Reports from women who have managed to use fenugreek for curves suggest it is quite effective. It  contains a special component known as diosgenin that increases estrogen levels in the body, resulting in bigger breasts and fuller curves overall.  Fenugreek does contain phytoestrogens that mimic human estrogens and help to regulate hormones.

Growing Breasts with Fenugreek is rich in Phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are elements located in plant life that have moderate estrogenic properties. The phytoestrogens compete for the identical receptor cells as real estrogen. Asian women have a decreased incidence of breast cancer because their diets are rich in plant life that includes phytoestrogens. Recent research suggests that phytoestrogens have an essential function in lowering breast cancer, heart disease, and the symptoms of menopause. Phytoestrogens, via their natural balance of female hormones, promote the development of glandular breast tissue. Most females taking herbs containing these phytoestrogens see a sizable increase in the fullness and stability of their breasts.

Fenugreek may be able to help reduce the chance of: ● high blood pressure ● heart conditions ● bacterial, fungal, and viral infections ● Inflammation ● cancer ● diabetes ● obesity ● high cholesterol

In folklore medicine, Fenugreek is used to deal with boils, irritation of the cells and connective tissue, nd tuberculosis. Here are a few extra anecdotal fenugreek seed benefits: ● Reduce menstrual cramps. ● Reduce appetite. ● Reduce fat mass. ● Maintain liver and kidney health. ● Soothe muscle pain. ● Reduce fever. ● Balance cholesterol. ● Soothe upset belly and digestive problems.

If you could choose just one herb for curvy hips and big buttocks, it should be fenugreek. This plant is rich in diosgenin, a compound that causes your body to produce estrogen. It also contains phytoestrogens, sterols, and flavonoids that support female health.  Fenugreek seeds come from the Trigonella foenum-graecum plant. This supplement has been used for centuries to treat PMS, menopausal symptoms, hormonal disorders, and other female-specific issues.  According to researchers, fenugreek supplements are a safe, natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy. It works by stimulating the expression of the estrogen responsive gene pS2 as well as the proliferation of MCF-7 cells. Its high estrogenic activity makes it ideal for menopausal women and those looking to increase hip or breast size.  This plant may also improve body composition when used in combination with strength training. It helps reduce fat mass, suppresses appetite, and regulates blood sugar levels. Due to its hypoglycemic properties, it’s perfect for those who are on diet


Bovine Ovary Extract and Maca Root 20:1 and Horny Goat Weed 20:1

3) This form of treatment is based on the principles of “Glandular Therapy”. Glandular therapy works on the concept of “like cures like”. This concept is used in case of Bovine Ovary breast enlargement technique as well.  When the glandular substance is administered externally to a woman, it stimulates the growth of corresponding glad. As a result, the breasts of the woman become fuller and bigger. It is completely natural method and is thus free from any side effects.  The benefit of the technique is that it has various other useful functions in the body too. For instance, it increases the enzymes in the body.  The reason behind this is that it stimulates the weak glands present in the body. As a result, the enzymes get compensated and thus the different organs in the body perform well.  

In order to keep the ovaries in good condition, they are freeze-dried. Once ingested, it results in stimulation of pituitary gland. We know that pituitary gland is responsible for regulation of hormones in the body.  Once the hormones are secreted in normal amounts, the growth of the different body parts is restored. The pituitary gland is responsible for proper functioning of the endocrine gland.  The different functions of pituitary gland are regulation of prolactin levels in the body, secretion and regulation of growth hormone and the secretion of hormones related to uterus and ovaries. In brief, the bovine ovary helps in stimulation of hormones that are responsible for natural growth of breasts.  In brief, the bovine ovary helps in stimulation of hormones that are responsible for natural growth of breasts.  

To maximize using the bovine ovary extract method to maximize the effects of this therapy is to take a diet rich in protein. 

4) MAN OF ODIN Maca Root 20:1  is concentrated to 20:1 meaning 20x stronger than the leading brand. Taking just 1 dose of Man Of Odin Maca Root 20:1 would equal taking 20 doses of the leading brand. 

Your body shape is determined predominately by genetics and no, you cannot alter your genetics. However hormones also play a major role in how body fat is distributed and this can be altered by use of certain supplements and medications.  Traditionally women with higher levels of estrogen tend to store more fat in breasts, hips and of course the booty. Remember puberty? During this stage most young women will experience a surge in estrogen levels which triggers development of curves.  On the other hand, there are some women who produce less estrogen or have a dominance of androgen, which are male hormones, and will tend to store less fat in these areas and more in the upper body thereby having less curves. For these women, supplements like Maca can encourage a more feminine figure because if your body is producing too little of estrogen, it will help to regulate your system and increased estrogen level can mean more fat deposits in breasts, hips and the booty.

Lepidium Meyenii, also known as Maca Root, is native to the mountains of Peru. Previously used by Peruvian Indians as a means to increase strength, stamina, ferocity and libido in those who consume it, it is said that Maca Root was consumed by Incan warriors before battle to enhance their fighting spirit. It was also consumed by Peruvian Indians for its nutritional and medicinal value, which is not surprising considering that the Maca Root is full of fatty acids, minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B12, C, E and amino acids.

Maca root helps with weight gain in the breasts, buttocks and hips through the balancing of hormones in the body. Maca Root aids the body by producing extensive amounts of Estrogen, which is the key hormone in females and is responsible for storing fat in the body. It does this through sending synaptic messages to the body to store fats in the hips, buttocks, breasts and thighs of females. The increase in this hormone is what manipulates the hormones in the body to stimulate weight gain in those who consume Maca Root.

This Peruvian herb stimulates the pituitary glands, leading to higher estrogen levels and breast enhancement. It’s available in root, powder, and pill form, so you can easily incorporate it into your diet.  Maca is one of the most phytoestrogenic herbs. It not only balances your hormones but also promotes muscle growth and fat loss. In the long run, it improves body composition and boosts your metabolism. This herb could be the key to fuller hips and a bigger butt. You can also use it to increase your energy levels and libido. Due to its stimulant effects, it fuels your workouts and wards off fatigue. It’s also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, B-complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Loaded with antioxidants, it scavenges oxidative stress and helps flush out toxins.

5) MAN OF ODIN Horny Goat Weed 20:1  is concentrated to 20:1 meaning 20x stronger than the leading brand. Taking just 1 dose of Man Of Odin Horny Goat Weed 20:1 would equal taking 20 doses of the leading brand. 

In terms of western medicine, horny goat weed contains the PDE-5 inhibitor icariin which helps support blood flow to sexual organs. This increased flow is an essential part of sexual desire and function.  Research suggests that icariin, the primary component in horny goat weed, may also possess powerful cardioprotective properties. This comes from several potential mechanisms of action, including reducing damage to DNA, correcting any dysfunction in the endothelium, suppressing the migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells, preventing platelet activation, and modulation of lipids (fats and fatty acids). This all suggests horny goat weed benefits may include an ability to protect your heart and maintain cardiovascular health.

Horny goat weed also contains phytoestrogens9, and these chemicals replicate some of the effects of a woman’s natural estrogen. This estrogen-like activity can alleviate some menopausal symptoms like low libido.  Icariin and its derivatives, icaritin and desmethyl icartin are found in Horny Goat Weed 14. Extracts of Horny Goat Weed have been found to increase estrogen levels in postmenopausal women leading to an accumulation of fats in the glute (butt), hips and breast areas. 

TEAR O'FIRE : Tear O'Fire : The Extreme Fat Loss Full Body Ripper with Super Energy

Tear O'Fire is the Newest and Strongest Fat Loss, Full Body Ripper, that also provides you with Super Energy and designed to work side by side with Shred O'Fire to get the Maximum Benefits. Tear O'Fire will Block your Carbs from being absorbed in the body, it will attack your sugar, heat your body up to a fat burning fire house, will speed up your metabolism and provide you with a burst of energy. Try Tear O'Fire Today to Tear Up your weight loss goals. 

Let's take a closer look at Lean Up. Lean Up contains 100 Capsules each containing 500mg's. Each Dose consists of 3 Capsules equaling 1500mg's per dose. Each jar will provide the user 33.3 doses which would be the equivalent of 33 days worth on the recommended daily dose.  
Lean Up consists of 12 Potent ingredients that are both 100% pure and Concentrated to there maximum potential providing our ingredients the strongest in the market. Lean Up contains no Fillers, Rice, Flour, GMO, Peanuts, Chemicals, Additives, and ingredients grown in clean chemical free environments. 
Lean Up contains :

White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1 Meaning our White Kidney Bean Extracted has been concentrated 100 times stronger than the leading brand meaning further it would take 100 capsules of the competition to equal 1 capsule of our White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1.   100:1 simply means it takes 100lbs of White Kidney Bean Extract to make 1lb of our White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1 providing the customer the best benefits it can offer. White Kidney Bean Extract contains a protein called a-amylase blocker that blocks the breakdown and digestion of starch, In humans, this protein has been claimed to Act as a Carbohydrate absorption blocker, Helps burn fat reserves, Suppresses the appetite, and reduces blood sugar and insulin spikes after meals.  Additionally this ingredient contains lectin which also suppresses the appetite. 

Gymneva Seed Extract 20:1 is 20 times concentrated making it 20 times stronger than the leading competitor. Gymneva Seed Extract is know to Reduce Sugar Cravings by making Sweet Foods Taste Less Appealing. The natural gymnemic acid content is what suppresses sweetness making all those wonderful sugar foods you crave less appealing day by day. Gymneva also lowers blood sugar levels, and has anti-diabetic properties. As a supplement it has been used side by side with medications to lower peoples blood sugar. Gymneva stops the intestinal absorption of sugar glucose which is amazing. Gymnevas role in insulin secretion and cell regeneration may also contribute to its blood sugar lowering capabilities. Gymneva can stimulate insulin production in your pancreas, promoting the regeneration of insulin producing islet cells that lower blood sugar. Another added benefit of Gymneva is it can improve the Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels in your body, reducing the risk of heart disease. Wow !

White Mulberry Extract 20:1 is 20 times concentrated making it the strongest in the market. White Mulberry Extract is loaded with powerful plant compounds like Polyphenol Antioxidants, vitamin c, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. White Mulberry Extract reduces cholesterol, improves blood sugar levels and lowers the risk of cancers, however we added it for its abilities to reduce appetite, reduces after meal glucose levels, increases insulin sensitivity, and improves blood sugar. Now the most important factor is inside the White Mulberry Extract is a compound called Rutin. This compound activates the brown fat in the body, which led to increased energy expenditure, better glucose homeostasis, and fat reduction. It mainly attacks the fat located under the skin which is the fat that makes obesity. Amazing !

Sage 10:1 concentrated ten times stronger for added benefits. Sage is loaded with vitamins and minerals and has been used for centuries as a antioxidant and diuretic. Sage stimulates the metabolic rate, and has stimulant properties, resulting in a higher rate of burning calories, while it helps flush our toxins and waste buildup in the body, enabling you to see quick results. 

Cayenne Extract was added to Lean Up simply for its incredible ingredient called Capsaicin. Capsaicin is a Natural Thermogenic Chemical totally heating up your body and making it a fat burning furnace.  The Thermogenic effect speeds up your metabolism and decreases your appetite at the same time. Meaning Fewer cravings by providing a feeling of fullness. When you digest capsaicin it causes your bodies temperature to rise, when your body's temp rises, your body goes into cool down mode, this causes your body to burn calories to do so. As an added benefit Capsaicin is an anti-inflammatory and has gastroprotective properties as well as providing beneficial vascular effects. 

Astralagus Extract 10:1 has been concentrated ten times stronger in Lean Up. Astralagus contains antioxidants which protect your body against damage, supports and protects the immune system, protects the liver, prevents colds and respiratory infections, lowers blood pressure and used as a anti inflammatory however Astralagus has been shown to improve sugar metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels which results in weight loss. However one added huge benefit of Astralagus Extract is its potential to allow ingredients to be absorbed much more efficiently in the body, allowing your cells to absorb all the ingredients in Lean Up and Shred Up for example as much as 60% better meaning faster and stronger results. 

Ginseng Extract 20:1 has been concentrated 20 times stronger providing you the best available Ginseng online. Ginseng has been around for centuries primarily in Chinese medicine. It has many health benefits, too much to list however we want to concentrate on its ability to reduce fat. In just 8 weeks on taking Ginseng in one study, there were quantifiable reductions in body weight, as well as changes in the gut microbiota composition. Ginseng combats obesity by altering fat formation and delaying intentional fat absorption which is by far amazing. Ginseng impacts and increases your metabolism, Ginseng has an effect on your leptin, insulin, and adiponectin all of which play important roles in fat and cholesterol metabolism of fat. Ginseng improves your ENERGY allowing you to burn more calories, improves Insulin Senstivity, Improves Digestion and fights inflammation, a huge added benefit to Lean Up. 

Caffeine / Citrus Atrium is an amazing Thermogenic to the human body, heating your body up and burning calories. Citrus Atrium contains beta agonists and has been reported to aid in weight loss dramatically. Citrus Atrium combined with Caffeine doubles these effects which is why we added Caffeine to Lean Up. The combination of Caffeine and Citrus Atrium leads to high amounts of Fat loss in individuals taking it. The metabolic rates in humans while on Caffeine and Citrus Atrium greatly increase which the quenching of the appetite seems to simply get better and better. Caffeine by itself increases energy production in the body and stimulates the metabolism. 

Shilajit Extract 100:1 has been concentrated 100 times, concentrating 100lbs of natural Shilijit into a 1lb Shilajit Powerhouse. Shilijit Cleanses all of your organs making them more efficient and forcing them to work better simply by detoxifying your body of all the toxins and build up that has gathered over the years. Shilajit removes all the harmful chemicals in the bloodstream that you ingest when you eat, and shilajit regulates all the systems in your body. Shilajit naturally decreases the appetite, as well as increasing the appetite. Shilajit increases stamina, is full of so many vitamins and minerals it is simply too much to list and helps ingredients and foods taken with it to be absorbed well into the body. 

Calcium Pyruvate 10:1 has been concentrated ten times to increase it's effectiveness, Calcium Pyruvate promotes weight loss by boosting fat breakdown in the body.  Pyruvate is involved in the metabolic cycle to produce energy in the body, so the more energy the more fat burning. In one study of two groups of obese women, one group on a placebo and the other taking Pyruvate, the Pyruvate lost 48% more fat while on an exercise routine for 8 weeks vs the placebo group. Pyruvate improves your energy levels during exercise performance meaning when you work out you will simply workout harder and faster or more resulting in faster results. Pyruvate combats fatigue and is used for endurance athletes. Pyruvate also has anti inflammatory effects allowing you to do more before feeling tiredness and pain. 

Last but not least we added our vitamin b complex to Lean Up providing Women an added energy boost, ease nausea, and lower the risk of developing preeclampsia. In Men b vitamins have been known to increase testosterone levels allowing you to build muscle and increase strength.For both men and women, vitamin b complex protects cell health, growth of new red blood cells, energy levels, good eyesight, healthy brain function, good digestion, hormones and cholesterol production, cardiovascular health, muscle tone, and absorption of vitamins, minerals, and ingredients. 

Try Lean Up today and Remember for Ultimate Results take with Shred Up !

SHRED O'FIRE :Shred O'Fire : Extreme Fat Shredder Carb and Sugar Eater

Shred O'Fire : is Phase 2 of your Fat Burning Regimen, Phase 1 is Tear O'Fire which you would take either first thing in the day or before working out. 

Shred O'Fire you would take early afternoon or following your workout routine. Shred O'Fire continues on your Fat Burning Regimen by Shredding Up everything else Lean Up may have missed each day. Together Tear O'Fire and Shred O'Fire work hard together attacking the fat from different angles and different ways forcing your body to get it all out. Day by Day Tear O'Fire and Shred O'Fire will help you reach your goals and reach them fast.
Shred O'Fire consists of 100 Capsules, 800mg's each. Each dose consists of 3 capsules equaling 2400mg's. Shred O'Fire should be taken after Tear O'Fire to continue on your fat burning goals. Do not take Shred O'Fire 4hrs before bed. Shred Up consists of 12 ingredients that will get you that Shredded Up Body ! First we have .....

White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1 Meaning our White Kidney Bean Extracted has been concentrated 100 times stronger than the leading brand meaning further it would take 100 capsules of the competition to equal 1 capsule of our White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1.  100:1 simply means it takes 100lbs of White Kidney Bean Extract to make 1lb of our White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1 providing the customer the best benefits it can offer. White Kidney Bean Extract contains a protein called a-amylase blocker that blocks the breakdown and digestion of starch, In humans, this protein has been claimed to Act as a Carbohydrate absorption blocker, Helps burn fat reserves, Suppresses the appetite, and reduces blood sugar and insulin spikes after meals. Additionally this ingredient contains lectin which also suppresses the appetite. 

Peruvian Maca Extract 10:1 has been concentrated to a strength 10 times its regular strength for optimum performance. Maca is highly nutritious and has several important vitamins and minerals. It also is a great source of fiber and contains various plant compounds including glucosinolates and polyphenols which are great for the human body with there added benefits. Maca has been known to increase sexual desire in both women and men and increases the libido. Maca has been known to increase sperm quality and sperm quantity in men. Maca relieves the symptoms of menopause as well as protecting bone health and osteoporosis in women. Maca has been known to improve your mood and reduce anxiety and symptoms of depression. Maca proved in many studies has been known to gain muscle, increase strength, boost energy and improve exercise performance and endurance. Maca keeps your metabolism and thyroid in check, and consists of iron and iodine that help with this. Maca keeps muscles happy in which muscles eat fat, helps your digestion, and is rich in calcium, amino acids, and high doses of potassium.

Fenugreek Extract 10:1 has been concentrated 10 times more powerful than regular 1:1 extract for this product to be highly enhanced. Fenugreek Extract comes from seeds, these seeds are an excellent edition to your weight loss diet. They are beneficial to diabetics, for they are packed with fibre that enables the slow release of sugar. Fenugreek sees cut your belly fat too. Galactomannan, a component found in Fenugreek Seeds suppresses the appetite, boost metabolism and digestion. These seeds also improve insulin activity which helps facilitate weight loss. Fenugreek has also been known to boost testosterone in men as well as libido. Fenugreek has also been known to increase breast milk volume in pregnant women. Fenugreek is also great on Appetite Control, in 3 studies participants lost 17% more fat in a 14 day trial. Fenugreek lowers both cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduces heartburn and has been used for thousands of years as an anti-inflammatory. Fenugreek has been an excellent addition to Shred Up. 

Green Tea Extract 20:1 has been concentrated twenty times for its full potential in your fat loss regimen. Green Tea activates the Brown fat in your body. Humans have white and brown fat. The bad fat is our white fat, that's the fat we want to loose. Brown fat in the body burns calories, and helps suck up the white fat out of the body and contributes to improved insulin levels. Green Tea Extract activates and turns on your Brown Fat to simply do its job. Green Tea Extract also shrinks your fat cells. The compounds in green tea called catechizes actually help and activate your fat cells to shrink. Green Tea Extract has also been known to blast belly fat, with its potent natural compound called catechin, it revives your metabolism, boosts the breakdown of fat, and blocks the formation of new fat cells. Green Tea regulates blood sugar, and limits the amounts of carbs absorbed by your body after a meal which ultimately improves sugar metabolism. 

Guarana Seed Extract 10:1 has been concentrated 10 times stronger for Shreds Up's ability to greatly enhance your weight loss goals. Guarana Seed is rich in antioxidants. These include caffeine, theobromine, tennis, saponins, and catechines. Guarana reduces fatigue and improves focus, and helps you simply learn better. Guarana boosts your metabolism by 11% over 12hours, which means burning more calories faster, and suppresses genes that aid fat cell production and promotes genes that slow down fat production which in turn is absolutely amazing. Guarana also relieves chronic diarrhea, and treats constipation. Added benefits of Guarana are that it provides pain relief, boosts heart health, improves skin appearance, has anti-bacterial and many other benefits too much to list.

Glucomannan Extract 10:1 has been concentrated ten times stronger for your Shreds Up's performance. Glucomannan has an exceptional ability to absorb water and is one of the most viscous dietary fibers known. It absorbs so much liquid that just a small amount added to a glass of water turns the entire contents into gel. Glucomannan takes up space in the stomach and promotes a feeling of fullness which reduces your food intake at each meal. It delays stomach emptying contributing to increased stomach fullness. Glucomannan also reduces the the absorption of fat. It lowers cholesterol, bad ldl cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasts blood sugar. A great edition to Shred Up. 

Nopal Cactus 10:1 has been concentrated to a strength of 10:1 for its full potential of benefits. Nopal Cactus contains 18 amino acids, full of fiber, and vitamins. Nopal regulates your appetite, reduces the amount of fat in your body by helping your body break down and excrete fat. Nopals amino acid content helps your body pull fluids back from the tissues decreasing cellulite and fluid retention. Nopal provides you with energy, reduces fatigue, moves your bodies glucose to your cells where your body can use the glucose as energy, burning up all that sugar. It slows your digestion of carbs, and your insulin decreases. Another great addition to Shred Up. 

Pine Bark Extract 10:1 has been concentrated ten times to provide you tens times the potential qualities of the extract. Pine Bark is a super antioxidant and anti inflammatory that helps fight free radical damage in your whole body as well as released toxins from the breakdown of body fat in weight loss efforts. Helps in the area of pain in your joints, arthritis, stiffness, chronic fatigue, and prostatitis. Pine Bark improves your circulation, and revitalizes collagen as well as increasing natural testosterone levels providing you with more energy, strength, stamina, muscle size, and libido. 

Kola Nut Extract 10:1 has been concentrated 10 times for ultimate potential. Kola Nuts increase circulation, stimulates heart rate and increases this circulation to boost oxygen to essential parts of the body, including skin, organs, and the brain. Kola Nut improves digestion and nutrient uptake while reducing constipation, bloating, cramping, and more gastrointestinal issues. Boosts the immune system, fights bacterial infections and prevents many diseases. Kola nuts consists of natural caffeine creating more energy within, and these nuts are connected with increased fat burning in the body, and increases metabolism. 

Sage 10:1 concentrated ten times stronger for added benefits. Sage is loaded with vitamins and minerals and has been used for centuries as a antioxidant and diuretic. Sage stimulates the metabolic rate, and has stimulant properties, resulting in a higher rate of burning calories, while it helps flush our toxins and waste buildup in the body, enabling you to see quick results.

Astralagus Extract 10:1 has been concentrated ten times stronger in Lean Up. Astralagus contains antioxidants which protect your body against damage, supports and protects the immune system, protects the liver, prevents colds and respiratory infections, lowers blood pressure and used as a anti inflammatory however Astralagus has been shown to improve sugar metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels which results in weight loss. However one added huge benefit of Astralagus Extract is its potential to allow ingredients to be absorbed much more efficiently in the body, allowing your cells to absorb all the ingredients in Lean Up and Shred Up for example as much as 60% better meaning faster and stronger results. 

Shilajit Extract 100:1 has been concentrated 100 times, concentrating 100lbs of natural Shilijit into a 1lb Shilajit Powerhouse. Shilijit Cleanses all of your organs making them more efficient and forcing them to work better simply by detoxifying your body of all the toxins and build up that has gathered over the years. Shilajit removes all the harmful chemicals in the bloodstream that you ingest when you eat, and shilajit regulates all the systems in your body. Shilajit naturally decreases the appetite, as well as increasing the appetite. Shilajit increases stamina, is full of so many vitamins and minerals it is simply too much to list and helps ingredients and foods taken with it to be absorbed well into the body.

Citrus Atrium is an amazing Thermogenic to the human body, heating your body up and burning calories. Citrus Atrium contains beta agonists and has been reported to aid in weight loss dramatically. Citrus Atrium combined with Caffeine doubles these effects which is why we added Caffeine to Lean Up. The combination of Caffeine and Citrus Atrium leads to high amounts of Fat loss in individuals taking it. The metabolic rates in humans while on Caffeine and Citrus Atrium greatly increase which the quenching of the appetite seems to simply get better and better. Caffeine by itself increases energy production in the body and stimulates the metabolism.

Vitamin b complex provides Women an added energy boost, ease nausea, and lower the risk of developing preeclampsia. In Men b vitamins have been known to increase testosterone levels allowing you to build muscle and increase strength.For both men and women, vitamin b complex protects cell health, growth of new red blood cells, energy levels, good eyesight, healthy brain function, good digestion, hormones and cholesterol production, cardiovascular health, muscle tone, and absorption of vitamins, minerals, and ingredients.