Take the Bull by the Horns : The Culture and Idioms of the American Wild West: Stories for Learning Useful Business Idioms, Paperback by Osborne, Jolinda, ISBN 1461107253, ISBN-13 9781461107255, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Take the Bull by the Horns is Volume One of the Stories for Learning Useful Business Idioms series with FREE MP3 . (See series description below.) It tells the story of John, a Chinese-born engineer working in Boston, who attends a management training seminar on a dude ranch in Montana and lives his own Wild West adventure.

Stories for Learning Useful Business Idioms

One of the final steps in mastering American English is becoming comfortable with the informal, everyday, sometimes humorous English expressions not usually taught in textbooks. Non-native speakers in the business world are especially challenged when understanding an idiom is critical to understanding the underlying message of a conversation or presentation. Misunderstanding an idiom can lead to confusion or even embarrassment.

Dictionaries of idioms fill shelves and online searches, but they do not easily enable readers to comprehend how to use those idioms because they are not explained in the context of an engaging conversation.

A better way to remember and become proficient with idioms is to learn them within the cultural context from which they originated.Take the Bull by the Horns and other books in the Stories for Learning Useful Business Idioms series, not only give precise definitions of the idioms, but embed the idioms within the context of the business-oriented story, so readers will quickly internalize and recall them during critical meetings and conversations.