Aikido Nage Waza : Throwing Techniques in Traditional Aikido, Color, Paperback by Alexandersson, Mats, ISBN 1530331307, ISBN-13 9781530331307, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Th - Aikido Nage Waza, Throwing techniques in traditional Aikido originates in Iwama, Japan. Aikido was founded by O-Sensei, Moreihei Ueshiba in 1942 in the village of Iwama. Traditional aikido is often refered to as Takemusu Aiki and is a martial art that combines empty handed techniques (tai jutsu) and weapons (buki waza), the sword and staff. This is the first volume out of three volumes. This volume focuses on the pinning techniques in tai jutsu and contains more than 1000 pictures.