Admiral Moffett son Amiral Militaire Ensign Military Navy Vintage Photo 1931
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Taille (pouces/inches): 6x8; 15,2cm X 20,3cm ;

Description:Pensacola, Floride. If he continues to follow in the foot steps of his distinguished gather, Admiral William A. Moffett, of the U.S. Navy, this young man may supply uncle sam whit his second Admiral Moffett, and is stationed at Pensacola, Floride. Admiral Moffett is chief of the bureau of aeronautics of the navy and was technical adviser at the limitation of armaments conference at London in 1930.

Date: 1931

Lieu: Pensacola, Florida

Photographe/Studio: NEWS SERVICE (Misc)

Etat: Silver print, Good to very good condition, some creases..Bon �tat, quelques petits d�fauts (voir scans)

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