Organic Montmorillonite Green Bentonite Clay

Cleopatra's Calcium Organic Bentonite Clay Capsules are the World's Absolute Best Internal Bentonite Capsules. The Contents of Each Capsule provides you The Purest Calcium Green Bentonite Clay Professional -Therapeutic Grade milled to a 325 Mesh- simply the best. Each Container of Cleopatras Bentonite Capsules Contain 120 Size 00 Vegetarian Capsules. No other Bentonite Capsule can compare to the quality per bottle. Cleopatras Calcium Bentonite Capsules contain NO Fillers, No Additives, No Preservatives, No Heavy Metals, No Lead, No Chemicals, No Radiation, No Sweeteners or Sugars, No Residues, No GMO, simply 100% Calcium Bentonite Therapeutic Grade Clay. Simply take 4 of Cleopatras Bentonite Capsules 4x daily or for Extreme Detox take 6 capsules 4x daily with a glass of water. Water should be drank throughout the day to help the detoxification process.

What Is Bentonite Clay?

Also known as montmorillonite, bentonite clay is clay formed from the ash of volcanoes. The name “Bentonite” comes from the location of the largest source of the clay: Fort Benton, WY. Since the time of Aristotle, clays like bentonite have been used internally (known as “geophagy”) to soothe digestive ailments and topically (known as "pelotherapy") to absorb toxins from the skin.[1] If you have read stories or seen movies that depict sick people being slathered with mud, wrapped in a sheet, and miraculously healed — these experiences may very well be the result of bentonite clay.

Bentonite clay consists of aged volcanic ash also known as “Montmorillonite.” The name comes from the largest known deposit of bentonite clay located in Fort Benton, Montana.

It is an odorless grey/cream color with an almost soft, very fine consistency. Unlike some other clays, it doesn’t stain and is easy to work with in beauty and natural remedy recipes.

Healing clays like bentonite have a high concentration of minerals including silica, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium. 

It also absorbs and removes toxins, heavy metals, impurities, and chemicals.

Because of this, bentonite clay is a common ingredient in detox and cleansing products. Common external uses include poultices, mud packs, detox baths, and skin care recipes.

Some (including myself) even use it internally. It has an alkalizing effect on the body and when taken correctly, it can help balance gut bacteria.

How Does Bentonite Clay Work?

When a remedy like bentonite clay has been used for centuries, you know there’s something to it. Though our ancestors didn’t know how this clay worked, modern research has provided answers.

Believe it or not, it’s all about electricity. You see, your body is as much electric in nature as it is chemical. Your nervous system, brain, and circulatory system all operate on electrical impulses. This is what is measured when you have an EKG, for example.

Bentonite clay produces an electrical charge when it contacts water. This negative charge attracts positively-charged toxins like toxic metals and chemicals. Like a magnetic sponge, it holds onto impurities and carries them out of the body for elimination.

Bentonite Clay Benefits & How It Works

Bentonite clay is a unique clay due to its ability to produce an “electrical charge” when hydrated. Upon contact with fluid its electrical components change, carrying a strong negative charge which bonds to the positive charge in many toxins.

When it comes in contact with a toxin, chemical, or heavy metal, the clay will absorb the toxin and release its minerals for the body to use. Bentonite also helps get oxygen to cells as it pulls excess hydrogen and allows the cells to replace it with oxygen instead.

Personally, I’ve seen people benefit from taking bentonite clay to help with:

Even Dr. Weston A Price, in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration reported that several native cultures including those in the Andes, Central Africa, and Australia consumed clays in various ways. Commonly they would carry balls of the dried clay in their bags and dissolve a small amount of the clay in water with meals to prevent poisoning from any toxins present.

In a study from Arizona State University, bentonite clay was found to be highly effective at killing MRSA as well as Salmonella, E. Coli and others. What is promising as research continues in this area is that depending on the method in which the clay kills the infection, it may not be possible for the MRSA or other bacteria to develop a resistance to it as it does with antibiotics.

1. Detoxes the Digestive Tract

Animal studies have shown that bentonite is effective at removing specific types of gastrointestinal pathogens, including aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are commonly found in foods that harbor mold, such as peanuts and certain grains. When ingested frequently, aflatoxins can lead to liver damage, impaired immune function, digestive complaints, and debilitating illness.

2. Encourages pH Balance

Without a diet that’s rich in vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods, most of us don’t get enough alkalizing, mineral-rich foods in our diet. This matters because your body requires a complete collection of minerals to function. When those minerals aren’t present, it affects your health. Bentonite clay is naturally rich in minerals, and it can provide the minerals and trace minerals that you need for a healthy pH balance.

3. Promotes a Healthy Gut Microbiota

Due to its ability to keep toxins at bay in the digestive tract, bentonite helps support a diverse and robust gut microbiota. A healthy gut is essential not just for digestive health, but also a strong immune system.

4. Resists Harmful Organisms

Studies published in such prestigious journals as The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy found that the minerals in bentonite clay, and other clays, have an impressive action against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

5. Removes Fluoride From Water

Common in dental products and added to nearly all municipal water systems in the United States, fluoride is a tricky toxin to avoid. Contrary to its perceived “safety,” integrative doctors have long warned against consumption and oral use of fluoride.

Researchers at Harvard and China Medical University in Shenyang, have raised red flags over the effects of fluoride on the developing brains of children, and fluoride was officially acknowledged as a neurotoxin by The Lancet in 2014. Bentonite clay, when combined with magnesium, is a helpful water filtration tool that removes fluoride.

6. Helps Remove Environmental Toxins

Due to its magnetic properties, bentonite clay has shown promise in attracting and removing health-damaging environmental toxins like VOCs, which are a broad collection of toxic chemicals commonly found in paints, cleaning supplies, office equipment, permanent markers, and hundreds of other household products.

How to Use Bentonite Clay

Bentonite (and other clays) are staples in my homemade herbal cabinet and medicine chest. I’ve used them internally and externally for various issues on myself, my husband my kids. I order from here and it is an inexpensive natural remedy.