Quantity: 1 piece

 size: 70*43mm

The jade carving traditional techniques features tri-dimensional, circular-carving and line-carving, lattice-carving, and openwork-carving etc. Our craftsman used various forms such as human figures, flowers, birds and animals. The diversification of jade carving means different meaning,I hope these jade/jadeite will bring good health,whealth,good luck,peace and happiness to people.The traditional meaning of jade/jadeite carving in Chinese culture is as follow:


Gourd (葫芦)means good fortune(福)and salary increase(禄).

Various varieties of melon (瓜) means good fortune(福).

Pumpkin(南瓜)means good fortune(福).

Corn (玉米)means to get a good harvest(丰).

Peach(桃) means health and longevity(寿).

Bean-pod(豆),Grapes (葡萄) ,Pomegranate(石榴),Peanut(花生)they all means good fortune(福)and descendants stretches(多子多福).

Apple(苹果)means harmony and peace(平安).

Cabbage(白菜)mean you will become more rich(财).

Lotus (莲花) means Auspicious(吉祥).

Radish(萝卜)means health(康).

Flower means rich and noble(花开富贵).

pine(松)and Crane(鹤), means health and longevity(松鹤延年).

Bamboo(竹) means that life gets better day by day(步步高).


Bat(蝙蝠)means good fortune(福).

Dragon or Kylin dragon(龙,麒麟)is amazing animal in Chinese mythology,it means auspicious(吉祥).

Phoenix(凤凰)is the divine bird in legend, which means to have eternal life(涅槃).

Bird(鸟)means Auspicious(吉祥).

Pixiu(貔貅) is an amazing animal in Chinese mythology,According to legend,It can bring wealth to the wearer.

Mice(玉鼠)can bring people wealth(财).

Gold Toad forg(金蟾)can bring people wealth(财).

Pig(猪),dog(狗)can bring people wealth(财).

Tiger(虎) means vitality(生龙活虎).

Cock(鸡)means auspicious(吉).

Snake(蛇) means auspicious and long-term development(长远).

Fish or gold fish (鱼或金鱼)means you will become more rich(财)

Monkey(猴) means promotion and become a great leader(挂印封侯).

Cicada(蝉) means wisdom,knowledge(智慧) or get good grades of exam(金榜题名).

Butterfly(蝴蝶)means good fortune(福)and descendants stretches(多子多福).

Spider(蜘蛛)means will bring good luck to you(喜).

Crab(蟹) means your will get wealth from all directions(八方来财).



Ruyi(如意) is the ancient emperor’s tool made with Jade, he used to scratch the back when he felt itch, It means all wishes come true.

Gold ingot(金元宝)or chinese coin means become increasingly rich.(财).

Ship(船)means every thing will be smooth .

I am not just to sale of jade, More importantly,I should to disseminate the culture and spirit of jade.

The history of Chinese people use jade as long as 7,000 years .In ancient China, just the emperor and the nobility are eligible to wear the jade accessories.Because it symbolizes the noble identity,Chinese people used to say as Gold has a price but jade is priceless, that means jade is extremely expensive gem.

All of natural jade/jadeite is with a little flaws,It is a symbol of the world is not perfec
