From online wiki,,,,The Presidio of SF (originally, El Presidio Real de San Francisco or The Royal Fortress of Saint Francis) is a park and former U.S. Army post on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula in SF CA and is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

And,,,,the Presidio is where San Francisco began — a place that preserves the layered and complex history of our nation. The land at the Golden Gate was the traditional territory of the Yelamu, a local tribe of the Ramaytush Ohlone peoples of the San Francisco Peninsula.


Regarding US Stamps,,,War savings stamps were issued by the United States Treasury Department to help fund participation in World War I and World War II.   Although these stamps were distinct from the postal savings stamps  issued by the USPO Dept the Post Office nevertheless played a major role in promoting and distributing war savings stamps. In contrast to Liberty Bonds, which were purchased primarily by financial institutions, war savings stamps were principally aimed at common citizens.

During World War I, 25-cent Thrift stamps were offered to allow individuals to accumulate enough over time to purchase the standard 5-dollar War Savings Certificate stamp. When the Treasury began issuing war savings stamps during World War II, the lowest denomination was a 10-cent stamp, enabling ordinary citizens to purchase them. In many cases, collections of war savings stamps could be redeemed for Treasury Certificates or War Bonds.

Lot of 3 incls,,,,One 1977 US Army SF Presidio 20x17in Map via the Master Planning Branch DFAE HQ Presidio SF, in March 1977,,,,,and  One 1990 USPS pane of 20 stamps "1941 World at War" regarding USS James, FDR & Churchill, Germany breaks their 1939 pact, invading USSR,,,,Japan, Philippines, Thailand, and more,,,,

and One 1994 "1945 Victory at Last" USPS pane of 20 stamps,,,,incls our Marines overrunning Japan on Two Jima 3/26/45, and  securing Okinawa on 6/22 too.