Lieutenant  Schmitz-Westerholt - Marinekriegsmaler - Zeichnung 

Propaganda Krieg (PK) Lieutenant Julius Ceasar Schmitz-Westerholt

he was the painter on board Prinz Eugen during Denmark Strait battle and the author of the article on Signal magazine of September 1941
Lieutenant Julius Caesar Schmitz was an accomplished marine and railroad artist. He served as a propaganda command officer aboard Prinz Eugen during Operation Rheinübung as “Marinekriegsmaler - navy combat illustrator”. The hypen name – Westerholt was added to his name perhaps by the American or British archivists. He generally signed his name “J. , J.C.S. or J.C. Schmitz” on his paintings. He may have been from Westerholt near Wilhelmshaven. The Julius Schmitz water-color sketches of the sinking of the HMS Hood (with handwritten comments by the PG’s KzS Helmut Brinkmann) In 1989, there was an estate sale in Germany by the son of Admiral Lütjens and, among medals, uniforms 
, another great painting of J. C. Schmitz surfaced: Bismarck and Prinz Eugen in action against HMS Hood and HMS Prince of Wales 


Größe Zeichnung ( Blattgröße ) 20 x 14 cm

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