Across the Detroit River by Carferry and Tunnel to Canada 1, Paperback by Babbish, Byron, ISBN 1493708635, ISBN-13 9781493708635, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

This is Volume 2 of a series of photography books about the railroads of Detroit between the years 1975 and 2000. Volume 2 introduces us to all the railroads serving Windsor, Ontario, Canada, located across the Detroit River from Detroit. Canada railroads, such as Canada National, Canada Pacific, Essex Terminal and VIA Rail, are covered as are the Canadian operations of the Detroit railroads, Conrail, Chessie and Norfolk & Western. Also covered is how the railroads got to Canada from Detroit via the Detroit River Carferries and Tunnel. Chronicles of a Detroit Railfan Volume 2 brings back to life the many fascinating railroads serving a great city in the last quarter of the last century when they were still so very interesting and so many.