Sheet of Ukrainian stamps
"Birds of Ukraine. Galliformes"
Serie: Red Data Book of Ukraine

On 8 new stamps of the issue "Birds of Ukraine. Galliformes" are depicted "Wood grouse Tetrastes bonasia", "White-billed grouse Tetrao urogallus", "Pheasant Phasianus colchicus", "Common quail Coturnix coturnix", "White partridge Lagopus lagopus", "Gray partridge Perdix perdix", "Eurasian grouse Lyrurus tetrix ", "Cream-throated cockatoo Alectoris chukar".

Issued on: 2021-08-06
Size: 183 x 127 mm
Face value: 8*9 ₴ - Ukrainian hryvnia
Print run: 25,000

White-billed grouse (Tetrao urogallus) is an endangered bird species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Distribution area - Polissia and the Carpathians.

Eurasian grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) is an endangered bird species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The area of distribution is Polissia, in the Carpathians and the north of the forest-steppe zone.

Forest woodpecker (Tetrastes bonasia) is a species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. In Ukraine, it is common in Roztochchi, the Carpathians, in Polissia and in some places in the north of the forest-steppe zone.

Common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) is an introduced sedentary species that has taken root in natural conditions in the southern and southeastern regions, as well as in the Transcarpathian plain.

White partridge (Lagopus lagopus) is a rare migratory species in Ukraine. Occurs in open marshes of Polissia in winter.

Cream-throated chukar (Alectoris chukar) is an introduced species. After being imported from Asia, it took root in the mountains of Crimea.

The gray partridge (Perdix perdix) is a sedentary species, distributed almost throughout Ukraine, except for the mountains. Inhabits meadows and fallows with shrubs, fields near forest belts.

Common quail (Coturnix coturnix) is the smallest bird from the chicken-like fauna of Ukraine. Inhabits meadows and fields throughout the country. The only species of hen-like birds that is migratory.