Captain and Quartermaster E. H. Noyes, Bombay Native Infantry, Indian Army, late Midshipman, Royal Navy

Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Indian Mutiny 1857-59, 1 clasp, Central India (Lieut. E. H. Noyes, 10th. Bombay N.I.) minor contact marks and light polishing, very fine and better 

Edward Herbert Noyes was born in 1835 and baptised in the Parish of Lindfield, Sussex. Educated privately, he served as Midshipman in the Royal Navy aboard H.M.S. Edinburgh from 1852 to 1855, qualifying for the Baltic Medal. Returned to land, he joined the Oxfordshire Militia from 20 October 1857 to 17 March 1858. He then qualified as musketry instructor at Hythe, before obtaining a commission in the Indian Army. Noyes went on to witness action during the Central Indian campaign, but his promising military career was cut short by cholera in July 1875 at Ahmedabad, whilst serving as Captain and Quartermaster of Her Majesty’s 3rd Regiment, Native Infantry.

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