Please read carefully. 

This listing is for a full built and painted Tyranid army from the leviathan box set. the price includes the models which have already been pre ordered from GW

The listing is for the Behemoth hive fleet colours. Other listings for other fleets are also available

The first photo shows the army as pictured from GW. the rest of the photos and video are of Tyranids previously painted. and the final image is the available free base terrain options, details below. please indicate which optoin you would like to choose once purchased

Paint time 3 weeks from release date  24/06/23


BASES-- When you place a order please send us a message choosing which base style you want the models mounted on.. The available styles are shown in the pictures

1. Valhallan blizzard 2. snow tundra 3. Astrogranite debris

4. Agrellan Earth/sand 5. sand 6. Agrellan Earth

7.Stirland Battlemire 8. Martian Ironearth 9.forest deathworld 

47x Tyranids: Driven by the imperatives of the almighty Hive Mind, Tyranid swarms sweep over world after world – a tide of biological killing machines that seek to devour every last shred of living matter.
- 1x Winged Tyranid Prime: Swooping down on leathery wings, this alpha war-beast rends and tears its foes with wicked talons.
- 1x Neurotyrant and 2x Neuroloids: A floating monster that radiates a terrifying psychic Shadow in the Warp, the Neurotyrant drives prey into screaming madness.
- 1x Screamer-Killer: Named for the distinctive howl of its bio-plasmic blasts, this Screamer-Killer is a monstrosity engineered for the forefront of Tyranid assaults.
- 1x Psychophage: This voracious creature stampedes into battle with frightening speed, with a particular taste for foes marked by psychic powers.
- 3x Von Ryan's Leapers: These swift and skulking predators dart from cover to launch deadly ambushes, bringing down unwary prey in an instant.
- 5x Barbgaunts: These beasts are little more than living weapons, Barbgaunts march into battle while laying down volleys of jagged projectiles that slow down anything which survives the attack.
- 11x Neurogaunts: Scuttling forward in seething masses, these creatures are spawned to protect and amplify the synaptic node beasts of the invasion swarm.
- 20x Termagants: These swarming predators harry their prey with hails of firepower, seeking to outflank their enemies and erode their numbers.
- 2x Ripper Swarms: Simple eating machines, these chitinous horrors swarm over the wounded and dead alike, and in sufficient numbers can even drag down trained warriors.