The Moment of Truth

The Moment of Truth (Il momento della verità), from director Francesco Rosi, is a visceral plunge into the life of a famous torero—played by real-life bullfighting legend Miguel Mateo, known as Miguelín. Charting his rise and fall with a single-minded focus on the bloody business at hand, the film is at once gritty and operatic, placing the viewer right in the thick of the ring’s action, as close to death as possible. Like all of the great Italian truth seeker’s films, this is not just an electrifying drama but also a profound and moving inquiry into a violent world—and it’s perhaps the greatest bullfighting movie ever made.

Please note you need a region A player for these blu-rays and dvds. 4K discs are regionfree. The sound is presented in it's original language with optional english subtitles. National orders are shipped with DHL ident-check. International orders are shipped with UPS int. standard adult delivery. Shipping to packing stations is not possible. If you have any questions, concerns or critics don't hesitate to get in touch!