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The Swiss designed Stadler Form Roger Little Air Purifier is a functional but elegant air purifier for medium to large sized rooms with a high CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) of 249, meaning it will change the air in a 42 square metre room three times every hour. It has a pre-filter before passing the air through a 2.5 micron HEPA filter plus a carbon stage for removing VOCs, odours and other gaseous pollutants. 'Roger Little' guarantees  better indoor air and protects you and your loved ones against 21st century urban air pollutants and particulates, as well as bacteria, viruses and many allergens like pollen and dust mite excrement.

Poor urban and suburban UK air quality in the 21st century is a serious health threat according to the UN. The Roger Little Air Purifier is an attractive solution to the problem of poor indoor air quality and will be of great benefit to many allergy sufferers. Anyone living in or near to an urban area these days will also find it comforting to know that they can successfully remove a multitude of airborne pollutants that can endanger health in the modern home. From volatile organic compounds to vehicle pollution and particulates, the Stadler Form Roger Little Air Purifier takes excellent care of the air that you breathe and protects the health of you and your loved ones. 'Roger Little' is suited to medium size rooms and will completely change the air 5 times an hour in an area of 25m2, three times in an area of 42m2 and once in an area of 126m2.

UK Juicers™ customers rightly expect us to select the only the best quality products for our range and Roger Little is no exception. The reassurance of German made multi stage filters is a big plus in guaranteeing excellent air quality from Stadler Form Air purifiers and the many hi tech features take all the guesswork out of looking after the air in your home. The filters last longer than most other purifiers with an 8-12 month lifespan and Roger Little will remind you when you need to think about purchasing replacements. Two sensors activate a colour coded air quality indicator so you know whether to crank Roger Little up to a higher setting on the five speed control, or if you prefer there is also an intelligent auto mode that adjusts speed in real time according to the air quality on any given day. The attractive LED light has three settings so you can dim it in the evening if preferred and there's a timer included so you can set a time for the purifier to switch off if there is nobody around to breathe the air at the time.