Saga of a Latter-day Saddle Tramp : A Five-year Odyssey, Paperback by Grochot, Jack, ISBN 1537059157, ISBN-13 9781537059150, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Saga of a Latter-Day Saddle Tramp is the captivating true story of Jack Grochot's five-year horseback journey through twelve states, where he encountered many unusual characters and harrowing experiences. He accomplished this trek with his four-legged companions, a double-barrel shotgun, and the good will of more than two hundred rural households. Not all the characters the author came upon were friendly, but for the most part Grochot and his animals were welcome visitors, provoking curiosity as spectacles to behold from a bygone era. As you travel with the author through the Blue Ridge Mountains and, later, through much of the South, you share with him the scary times as well as the peaceful times, plus gain a wonderful sense of the landscape and its population. Follow the hoof beats of Grochot's two wild mustangs with the old dog Buddy beside them. And when you turn the final page you will shake your head in bewilderment that a modern-day adventure of this magnitude could actually come to such an abrupt, mind-boggling conclusion.