1949 Brooklyn NY Tech High School Annual with great photographs and text showing the students, faculty,  activities, candids, graphics, literature, pictures of school and surrounding. Seniors are photographed with list of clubs and accomplishments, likes and dislikes. Great shape, photos, and design.

Individually photographed graduates include: richard n. abrahams, robert h. abrams, a. thomas abromaitis, sal alaimo, eugene albin, sabato alfieri, edward l. anderson, jack j. andres, henry appel, albert apuzzi, sam arbitman, stanley arden, larry arens, allen argoff, robert arner, floyd l. arnold, albert arvidson, murray awerman, martin axelrod, john w. bachrach, norbert baillie, octavio baldachino, ray ballereau, john d. barbieri, geroge barton, lawrence becchina, abrahamb beller, irving benardo, stephen benkovitz, harold bennett, john a. bentz, arnold berger, klaus bergman, howard birnbaum, charles bischoff, roy bittlingmaier, william blasnick, robert blish, lazarus block, myron m. blumenthal, milton bogatsky, herman borstelmann, lawrence braverman, adolph brenner, philip broadman, walter brundage jr, ben buchbinder, warren bunshaft, edward h. burke, robert l. burns, william t. callahan, george candella, leon capsuto, donald c. carroll, allen l. carlsen, richard s. carlson, anthony caserta, victor catala, anthony chiarella, jack chin, john e. chin, marc chomet, melvin ciganeri, paul cilento, lawrence cleary, gerald cohen, herbert cohen, jack cohen, martin h. cohen, stuart c. cohen, leo colasuono, lawrence contillo, carl cording, george crabbe, clifford crader, james j. crawford, stephen cuff, james dallaglio, john j. cunningham, richard dalphin, jospeh d'amelio, giro d'antonio, donald dawson, joe duda, john dell'aquilo, robert de lorenzo, cornelius dennis, alex deutsch, josehp digianni, erik domaas, alfred donati, douglas donop, arhtur dorf, arnold drucker, gfranz eck, leonard ehrman, marvin eisenberg, william elhoff, daniel d. epstein, andrew erdman, herbert epstein, jsoehp ernsi, robert eskin, anthony esposito, enzo falco, eugene fasullo, rocco fazzolare, william f. fehringer, howard finberg, herbert feldman, william f. ferrara, arthur fine, selig fireman, donald s. fischer, ivan fischman, stanley fishbein, harold frank maurice freedman, don h. friedman, henry friedman, leopold gabay, roy garofalo, vito gassi, laurance gay, carolos gayles, thor gjelsteen, ernest gladstone, edwin gless, martin goffe, robert d. gold, c. shwerwin goldberg, herbert m. goldstein, walter c. gonseth, lester gottlieb, ronald gower, charles graves, arthur h. greenberg, reginald w. griffith, dom grimaldi, melvin grossgold, roland grunert, jeffrey m. hagen, marvin haiken, eugene halpert, frank handal, richard j. harper, thomas r. hartley, lawrence hartstein, leon hellman, sidney heller, lewis hendelman, charles henick, leroy s. hersh, george j. hess, eric holmquist, irwin holtzman, howard s. honig, watler hopf, borah hosten, albert huber, herbert hutchinson, herbert h. isaacs, haryr f. jacks, morton jacobs, harold m. joffe, william c. jansson, kenneth kamerman, stratos kantounis, jack b. kaplan, robert b. kasten, david f. kates, arthur i. kaufman, william j. kelly, theodore kirchner, alvin kirschner, stanley kishlansky, edward klaben, jack klass, kenneth kloper, robert kneale iii, edgar koenig, walter kohl, marvin l. kohn, larry kreshin, george lake, robert lamonsoff, jerry landauer, arnold r. lang, vincent j. la puma, richard w. larson, burton a. lerner, robert m. liebers, fred h. lindheim, richard lindner, peter lister, armand lopez, francis x. lo sacco, walter lowenthal, henry n. luhrs, abbott maiman, thomas e. malloy, richard s. mangiaracina, samuel markowitz, duane marshall, ronald mayrbaurl, randall j. mcdonald, john a. mcguigan, kenneth f. mcsweeney, gil messer, gerald j. metzger, jack r. miller, wilfred j. miller, gerald j. morrison, melvin moskowitz, robert f. muller, richard murad, james p. murphy, normy nadel, morton nashman, thomas natsoulas, john m. nervik, donald l. newman, clarence nicolaysen, hans nintzel, edward norstrand, william r. nugent, robert h. oliver, david n. oltchick, anthony ostrowski, gilbert c. pabst, costas papaliolios, alex pastor, william paulus jr, juergen n. peters, newton pincus, henry pinczower, martin plawsky, adam a. plonski, gunard poheevitz, bernard poley, seymour portegal, john j. poueymirou, lawrenc press, sam quentzel, john quigg, jerome radin, fred rauppius, morton reeber, martin reisfeld, richard remnitz, marvin resnick, donald c. rick, herbert rie, charles j. robisch, lawrence rogovin, gustav rohrs, alvin l. rosen, isadore rosenberg, robert rosenberg, bernard m. rosenheck, charles ssh. rubenstein, martin rubin, kenneth h. rumzie, marvin saffian, louis salomone, roy saltman, angelo santor, edward schecker, robert w. schiemel, arthur c. schilling, donald schlotterbeck, william j. schmitt, rihcard schnoor, peter schrag, herman schwartz, irwin r. segall, leo sender, robert g. shepheard, arthur sherman, gil shevlin, alan r. siegel, ralph h. silver, ronald m. singer, john sinon, gilbert skopp, robert skowronek, raymond a. smith, norman sondak, william l. soule, stan s. speigel, robert g. stern, charles w. strohbeck iii, kenneth stueben, morton p. talbot, norman c. tauber, alfred touma, frank tournour, james vondrak, c. robert vroom, richard j. waldman, william wangel, alan a. weinberg, carl weiss, fred e. wieland, andrew wills, leroy a. witt, richard s. wolfeld, murray wolsky, herbert yavell, michael yessis, leonard zeifman, burton zell, and lawrence h. zuckerman. 

Very Good condition hardback with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or missing pieces. Clean and Solid.

Great rarity giving an historic look at Brooklyn New York and the promising young men at Tech during the Harry Truman years. Just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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