Gaumont British News Review of 1938 Super 8 200ft reel B/W sound

Fascinating insight into how news was presented to the British public during the years immediately before the Second World War.

I have several "years" available but I've not had chance to view them all.

Reviews of the year generally follow the same pattern, there's usually a visit to one or more of the major sporting events, such as The Derby, FA Cup final, an important test match etc. A feature on someone trying to break a record, a disaster (more often than not in the US) and a royal visit/occasion, plus any major world event that happened that year. The ones from the 1940s include significant events of the war.

They have a stirring commentary with music accompanying the live sound.

In addition to the usual sporting highlights this reel includes bridge collapse at Niagra and lots of sporting crashes.

Printed on black and white filmstock so good picture definition and no horrible colour tint.

This copy is in excellent used condition with original leaders and tails, no splices, sprocket hole damage or significant signs of wear on the picture. Comes in its original Fletcher Films plastic case.