How good would it be, "One facial mask, equivalent to using serum for a week" Thin meat, lightweight, not heavy skin. Ready to take care of pushing to your skin intensively, masking organic #sourced rice, #jasmine rice, and other ingredients, such as rice, etc. Organic, rice bran oil and many others, plus four molecules of 4D hyaluronic acid or hyalulon, which contribute to ... rehydrating, saturated skin, and hydrating skin.

Deepening skin moisturizing, moisturizing skin spots, wrinkles of age, moisturizing face immediately after use, and softening skin tone #to gently remove skin cells, simply by masking your face 15 to 20 minutes a few times a week, you'll see skin effects look 1 level clearer right away


A Jasmine rice mask, is extracted 99% naturally with the GMP ASIAN standard, adding moisture to all layers of skin, and the skin immediately fades after use, helping to gently squeeze skin cells, stimulating collagen underneath the skin layer and protect the decay of collagen, which helps to reduce wrinkles, and it is a touchy, delicate skin.

Jasmine rice mask Pinnara regenerates the skin from natural extracts.

Pannara Jasmine Rice Mask, made from GMP Certificate Standards Plant, along with 99% natural ingredients and natural extracts. notification number11-1-6 0043128

How to use

1. After cleansing the face Place the mask on your face with the white film on the outside.

2. Take out the film and adjust the mask to fit the face shape.

3. Leave it for 15-20 minutes.

4. Remove the mask sheet. Use your fingertips to gently massage the serum into the skin. without rinsing


Note: 1 pack contains 5 sheets.