Hi Guys,
I am sending it without frame, as it is so big for shipping and used as an idea to use, You can glue it straight on wall too etc....

So You will get : Alien Head ( 60cm*40cm*30cm)
                          left arm ( 53 cm long )
                          right arm ( 32cm long )
                         tail - I have 2 versions/so You can choose bigger - 60cm
                                                                                            smaller - 47 cm

and I ll add Led stripes 5m long (notice I live in EU so it has EU plug to site)

Its really nice guys for that money(sideshow collectors know), its very big, ...if You need - I Can make it smaller and bigger too... but I think this is the right size

please notice that I live in midle of Europe, so if You buy from oversees and I take only that little money for shipping - so its economic... to usa it takes about 13 working days so + weekends, holidays...

thanks for looking
Best Regards