Recently found, Beretta Greens has sought to bring authentic beauty and wellness to the world. Globally promoting the power/benefits of nature. Ever since our founding, we are committed to delivering “healthier and happier living” through our products and we are aware of the goodness nature holds for healthy living. We believe in extracting the benefits without harming the environment and our planet.

Our aim is to provide a healthy lifestyle by ensuring that our consumers understand the benefits of using unadulterated products.

This portfolios of natural products is free of artificial colors, fragrances, parabens or petrochemicals.

Beretta Greens is against animal testing.

100% Extract! No Bulking agents or Fillers.  

No Artificial Colours, Flavours or Preservatives. No added Sugar, Sweetener or Salt. 

Not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Discontinue use and consult a doctor if adverse reactions occur. This product contains no alcohol

Areca nut or betel nut, as commonly referred in India is a seed of the Areca Palm tree, that goes with the botanical name Areca catechu. Areca nuts contain tannins arecatannin and gallic acid, negligible amounts of terpineol, lignin, alkaloids including arecoline, arecaidine and guvacine, loaded with vasoconstricting properties. According to Ayurveda, besides being a great masticatory ingredient, areca nut plays a pivotal role in balancing pitta and kapha doshas even while stimulating digestion. Recently found, Beretta Greens has sought to bring authentic beauty and wellness to the world. Globally promoting the power/benefits of nature. Ever since our founding, we are committed to delivering “healthier and happier living” through our products and we are aware of the goodness nature holds f