Loose Bound Collection of 18th-19th Century Seals on Deeds/Documents

A collection assembled strictly for the great variety in early document seals.

Over several decades of hoarding old New England (and other places) documents, quitclaim deeds were always around, and never really much of an interest to “serious” collectors wanting historical or autographic content.  I was going through a pile of family paper and of course there were several deeds, but one stopped me in my tracks.  

I was now looking at two, small-silvered die-cuts of an American eagle with federal shield on its chest and a dove in full flight with a “love letter” in its beak.

I thought how creative of this husband and wife just selling property to go a notch or two above the norm for such a simple process (back then anyway). I then began to think just what have I been missing with the seals on these deeds? 

So, over the years I patiently went through stacks and piles to find any seal that would qualify for its uniqueness, artistry, or simply the oddity of what was used in the pinch.

Most of this collection came from New England families, but a few nice pieces outside of NE may have found their way in.

There are 91 documents, dating from 1738 to 1879, most of which fall into the pre-Civil War years of the 19th century. 

They have been assembled purely for the seals, realizing that there are probably Revolutionary War soldiers' signatures here, or other well-known politicians, or city/town personage with interesting history.  

In several cases, I am sure that these homes mentioned in the deeds are still standing today.  

We know the land is still there (John Adam’s father told him to invest in land, “it will not break, nor will it run away”).  

During the Civil War years and after, documents began to use Revenue Stamps (had to pay for that war somehow) and these, which are varied in denomination, purpose, color, and size only enhance the beauty of these documents.

Most documents from the 18th century and earlier used simple red or black seal wax, with quickly fashioned simple shapes of paper to act as the seal. 

There can be some variation in these, but I have not observed more than a few other interesting types. 

With the 19th century comes progress in everything, and we see printed store labels, manufactured red wax seals for documents, and eventually into the mid and later 19th C. comes manufactured official seals made for this very purpose. 

In amongst all this new innovation, are still the old ways of doing things, the independent minded wanting to be different, or just plain simple folk using their ingenuity to come up with a solution in a moment's notice. 

Here are some of the seals within the collection:  

Condition of the documents overall are very good to fine, with some excellent. There may be tears in the folds and some holing from folding over the years; anything that is seriously affecting the document has been repaired with acid free tape. 

The great thing here is that you can take it farther, using other colonies/states, finding new seals in the period of this collection, or finding earlier or later specimens. Further research of names will lead to more interesting historical tidbits. 

It is endless where you can take this collection.

The seals mean much more than the legal nature of these documents.  

They clearly make a social statement to the times from which they come. 

You can see the progress of industrialization, the creativity of individuals, and just what comes from expediency and need. 

Remember, that in the early days, the local tavern was where a good deal of these transactions took place; a central meeting point for traveling parties, as well as having the ability of freshening up while buying or selling. 

The witnesses in some cases were probably called away from their glass of Flip to observe the signing and write their signatures to go back to more pressing matters “in hand.”

You will be most happy with the selection. 

No requests for breaking up the collection or pulling individual documents. It is being sold as an collection in the binder. 

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