Height: 9.38 Inches; Width: 3.5 Inches

Christmas scene shadowbox booknook. Showing Santa and his reindeer flying above a small village on a snowy Christmas eve.

You can view the assembly process on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCcgJGb7dgw

3mm Birch wood and 1.5mm clear cast acrylic.

Lighting is simple and many different options will work.
The easiest is a battery powered string of fairy lights. (not included)

Dimensions are 3.5″ wide x 9.38″ tall.

Book Nook that you paint, glue & assemble yourself.

We also offer plain empty book nooks to any custom size you need. View our shop under (Miniature Section)

Christmas book nook Kit Great time with the kids or yourself.
Make it your own, paint and decorate it like you want.
Laser cut wooden book nook insert/

Decorate it like you want and please send pictures of your finished book nook alley.

Great gift for anyone.

Christmas book ends. The Santa alley book nook is great gift.
Made from 3mm Inch birch wood.
Christmas alley, bookshelf diorama alley.

This book shelf insert home decor, once assembled and painted will complement your shelf and will be the conversation piece of the room.
bookshelf gift, book nook gift for all ages.
book shelf nook, book nook for bookshelf, book nook diorama DIY kit.

The DIY book nook shelf is the ultimate challenge for crafters of all ages. Designed with plenty of unique detail, this book end is a must-have gift for the holidays, anniversaries, and more. Simply buy, build, and enjoy!