Organic Mao Feng

Hailing from the cloudy and misty Mount Huangshan, one of China's holy mountains, Mao Feng is unquestionably one of the most delicious of all green teas! Mao Feng translates as "Yellow Mountain Hair Tip" and is one of the country's ten most famous 'big leaf' teas. A baked tea, it has a sparrow-tongue-like shape, silvery white fuzz, and once brewed, a golden liquor and refreshingly sweet mellow taste.
Legend tells of a maiden girl, Luo Xiang, whose lover had tragically died. The enormous flow of tears she wept from heartbreak watered a nearby tea bush. Miraculously, her lover was revived from death after she nurtured him with the tea produced from the tear-watered bush. This miraculous, life-restoring bush, it is said, was the first Mao Feng tea plant!

1oz Bags:
Size 10*15+4cm (3.9*5.9+1.5in)

2oz Bags:
Size 15*23+4cm (5.9*9.05+1.5in)