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SH-1n 59 Humbucker for neck position (4-conductor)
SH-2 Jazz Humbucker for neck position (4-conductor)
SH-4 Trembucker for bridge position (4-conductor)

TB-4 JB Trembucker for bridge position (4-conductor) 
The ultimate Hot Rodded humbucker pickup, JB (SH-4) and Jazz Models (SH-2) is a versatile combination that can inject vitality into any guitar.
created this classic dual pickup combination in the UK in 1974. It is still his favorite pickup today-SH-4 JB for the bridge and SH-2n Jazz Model for the neck. . These pickups have become one of the most classic and versatile humbucker sets ever.
The JB Model humbucker is our most popular pickup ever. Blues, country, fusion, punk, hard rock, grunge, whipping; JB always sounds just right, even when new genres appear around. The bass is full and powerful, the treble is crisp and detailed, and the mid-to-treble bulge adds crunch and heaviness to the heavy chords, but when you play a single note or solo, it will be transformed into a singing-like vocal quality. At the same time, the heat output makes your amplifier work harder to get more sustain and harmonics.
Use it with a 500k tank for excellent high-end tailoring, or try using a 250k tank to sweeten and soften the tone for a smoother style. It works very well with Jazz or '59 neck pickups, and some players even like to use JB on the neck for a super solo sound.