WAR DVDs & Blu-rays: You Choose, Lots of Big Battle Scenes & Real Combat Footage

This is a good mix of War based videos; that is, these are all movies, and documentaries about War, from ancient times, all

the way up to now.  Among these videos are a lot of documentaries, which could be about War, or great wartime leaders, as 

well as fictional movies based on real wars.  Most contain big battles scenes, or real world combat footage. There are no 

doubt, quite a few rare gems to be found in this mix of cinematic treasure. The cases vary by size and type:standard, thick, 

slimline, and some may have defects, but ALL the discs inside are playable.  Some of the used discs might have some 

smudges or scratches, but I will NEVER list anything that is scratched up to the point of being unplayable.  Its just NOT my 

style.  If you have any questions, please ask.

                                                                                HERE IS HOW SHIPPING WORKS

                                             Pay only $4.00 for shipping, no matter how many discs you order.  

+ volume pricing is applied, so you literally save more, the more you buy.  If you don't see anything you are interested, check

back in the future, as new DVDs & Blu rays will be added by then.