Singing Bowls also called the healing bowls, can be traced back to Asia as early as 2000 B.C. they are made of an alloy of seven different metals, connected to seven astrological planets, which create a range of different sounds and overtones. Those seven metals are gold as sun, silver as moon, mercury as mercury, copper as Venus, iron as mars, tin as Jupiter, lead as Saturn. Some singing bowls should consist of only five metals. These bowls format, depth, color, girth and composition are variable.

Singing Bowl can be used as vessels to cook, offering bowls, as beat instruments and for meditation or relaxation. Bowls have a double effect, with sound and vibration.

Science has confirmed that music, as an organized form of sound can directly affect mood, brain waves, the nervous system and the body chemistry. Music plays a key role in the religious and spirituals of many cultures. Music is still pallid to aid digestion, induce sleep and treat mental disturbances.

The vibrations of singing Bowls stimulate the body to recreate its own harmonic frequency and help produce the alpha waves that are present in the brain in deep relaxation singing bowls of all sizes are said to clean the atmosphere around us of negative energy and emotional blockages.

Super Moon Bowl/Mustang bowl is the highest quality singing bowl among the handmade singing bowl from Tibet. It is also called Mustang Bowl. Bowl have very high deep and long resonating sound and vibration other than normal moon bowl. It has very good sound and can play easily by anyone. Bowl design is differ from other bowl. Being an specific bowl and sound it has particular value among the singing bowl. Its quality and sound are best among the singing bowl, mostly healer, yogi, yoga teacher, master mostly prefer these types of singing bowl for their teachings and practices. After the quality and sound, it comes price, price of these bowls are normally expensive than other normal singing bowl/ full moon bowl. It is called super moon bowl due to its sound, design or appearance of bowl.

Relaxation with Bowls, Effects:

-Promotion of the energy balance.

-Reduction of stress and involved emotions.

-Reducing of tensions.

Upgrading of creativity and imagination.

-Elevating of life forces.

-Balancing of hemisphere of the brain.

-Helping to harmonize body, spirit and soul.

-Giving a positive self, image and empowering assertiveness.

Returns and Shipping:- We ships each of our order with in one business day and update tracking details of standard international shipping service provider, we are happy and return our product and fully refund the payment in case of any defect on our products. Please contact us within 14 days.

If any body want to listen the sound of these bowls please feel free to message for sound clip.