226 Betting Days, All of Them a Winner!

(This very simple concept can honestly generate approximately £25.00 per day … every day)

This incredibly easy conception (I hesitate to use the word system because it represents more an idea than a set of explicit instructions) is a method that has a 100% success rate! Yep you read that correctly; during an 8 month trial period this method never recorded a losing day!

It’s a simple arbitrage concept that only requires the use of an online bookmaker(s) and a betting exchange.

Incidentally none of the selections have been shown here because any bets you secure could vary from my own. Essentially, the amount you can win is dependent on the effort you inject into this approach and the amount of time you invest in applying it.

I would advise spending approximately 2 – 3 hours studying the meetings and trying to identify potential winnings. Potentially you can even study afternoon or the evening meetings should you be constrained with time limitations.

This notion is so simple to operate that it’s genuinely surprising that more people are not using it. Of the 226 betting days where a bet(s) were made EVERY single day yielded a profit!

The lowest amount won was a little over £11.00 while the highest amount was a little more than £46.00. The average daily profit was slightly under £25.00! My manual offers a brief but comprehensive explanation of how this arbitration method operates and features a working example of how to put it into practice.

This product is cheaper than many of my current products because it represents such a humble and easy idea of how to exploit a simple notion that can legitimately make you some easy cash. You can honestly make a comfortable £100 - £150 every week using this concept.

Thanks to you eBay guys!

Thank you to everybody who has left generous and positive feedback over the years I’ve been on eBay. You know that I’m a trusted and honourable eBay seller who provides quality horse racing systems at modest prices.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with me allow me to reassure you that what I’m selling today is a quality horse racing system that I’ve operated from time-to-time over the years to make money. My expertise in the area of horse racing has enabled what was a simple past-time to become a mechanism to making me thousands of pounds!

I’m now able to successfully and consistently select viable horses to back or lay. The system here today is a strategy that I vouch for. You WILL make money from this system.