Product Name : Ruby Mala – AAA

Weight : 18.20 +_ gms/ 91 crt

Length : 20 inches (From Ist bead till Last bead) // 10 inches (When Mala is In U Form)

Bead Size : 3.40 mm – 4.21 mm

Design : This beautiful Ruby mala is made tradianally  , with best quality diamond cut shape gemstones .

Benefits of Precious Ruby

Ruby is striking and appealing but that’s not all about it. Apart from its visual appeal; it offers respite from negativities and brings happiness and fortune to many lives. Let’s have a look.

  • Helps the wearer to attain victory over rivals and opponents in personal life or professional front. It is said that in ancient Burma (600 AD), warriors used to keep a ruby stone with them or close to a body part to for winning over the enemies.

  • Wearing manic handles low feelings, bad mood, helplessness and anger.

  • The majestic Ruby manages the health issue too. It helps the patient to face the health related challenges and emerge victorious. Those with weak eyesight, weak bones, poor blood circulation and Vitamin D deficiency can look upto this rich red gem for the improvement. 

  • It shields a person against bad dreams, nightmares and evil spirits if placed under the sleeping pillow.

  • Ruby represents the Manipura or Navel Chakra of the body. By motivating this chakra, the gem removes self-doubt and depression from your mind. 

  • The stone is quite promising for a healthy marital relationship as it renews passion and harmony into the couple’s lives.

  • Ruby also symbolizes unity, love and friendship.

  • Imparts a ray of optimism in a wearer’s life. He/She can see and feel a drastic change in their day to day challenges.

  • One of the best gemstones for professional success in life.

  • The stone upgrades you by improving your financial status; hence giving you a classy and luxuriant lifestyle.