Bolt Action The Road to Berlin Campaign World War II 2nd Edition Miniatures War Game Book Supplement published by Osprey Games.


June, 1944. Operation Bagration sees the Soviets continue their advance towards Germany, facing dogged resistance from the hard-pressed German Forces. As the Red Army pushes to end the war in Europe, the Polish Home Army seize their opportunity to rise up against their occupiers, surprising the German defenders. Containing new linked scenarios, rules, troop types and Theatre Selectors, this supplement for Bolt Action takes players through the unforgiving Eastern Front, from war-torn Poland and Belarus to the final, desperate fights in the crumbling German capital.


Campaign Overview

Operation Bargration - Scenario 1: The Tigers of Krupki, Scenario 2: The battle of Pleshchenitsy, Scenario 3: The '34'


Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive - Scenario 4: big game hunting


The Warsaw Uprising - Scenario 5: Man the barricades, Scenario 6: Kubus and the grey wolf


The Struggle Continues - Scenario 7: Breakout from Petsamo


The Vistula-Oder Offensive - Scenario 8: ‘the Ivan’s are coming…’, Scenario 9: race to the Pileca river, Scenario 10: an unexpected encounter


Operation Berlin - Scenario 11: The Seelow heights, Scenario 12: Tank hunting, Scenario 13: Berlin: crossing the spree


The Prague Uprising - Scenario 14: The Prague uprising: enter the ROA


Appendices: Additional Special Rules. Snow, mud, ice and frostbite. Dug-in: foxholes, trenches and gun pits, Minefields, and City fighting