In search of the world's best sound source module...RACK has evolved into the ES.
The "MOTIF-RACK ES" is a sound module that incorporates the sound source section of the "MOTIF ES" in a 1U rack mount size. First, it contains 1,024 normal voices + 65 drum kits exactly equivalent to the preset voices of the "MOTIF ES. The user bank has an additional 128 newly programmed normal voices for a wider variety of tones. High specs equivalent to those of the "MOTIF ES" are provided, including an insertion effect that can use up to 8 parts simultaneously, 1,787 arpeggiator types, and other features for advanced sound creation. It is also equipped with a performance mode that can store layer/split performance settings to meet the needs of keyboard-playing oriented users. In addition, the MOTIF-RACK ES is compatible with "STUDIO CONNECTIONS," a joint project between Steinberg and our company, which allows total recall of the MOTIF-RACK ES and other compatible hardware settings on Steinberg's compatible DAW software. The MOTIF-RACK ES is a software/hardware integration that enables total recall of the MOTIF-RACK ES and other compatible hardware settings on Steinberg's compatible DAW software, providing a significant advantage in computer-based music production environments. The same performance features that made the MOTIF-RACK so popular, such as multi-mode with up to 128-note poly and 16 parts, two types of digital outputs, panel layout, and operability, have been retained. The coloring has been completely redesigned, with a chic blue base color suitable for a professional model.