Californian Red Earthworms for plant care and for home and garden composting.

The package contains a sachet with approximately 50 g. of earthworms and the total weight together with the green compost is approximately 80 gr.

Ideal for starting a composter, they will transform organic waste in the decomposition phase into excellent humus without emitting unpleasant odors.

You will already find them with their odorless compost and, placed in your pots, they will help the plants grow luxuriantly thanks to their vital activity of releasing organic matter and working the soil.


once you have received the earthworms, do not hesitate to put them immediately in your composter and wait in despair if, seeing them still, almost motionless, you think they are dead... fortunately they will only be a little upset due to the long journey.

FOR FREE you will receive some cloves of red garlic from Sulmona, grown naturally here in Abruzzo.