Product description
Content introduction

Examination number:0028299

Description of item
Taking it off is a temporary shame; not taking it off is a shame for the future!

Genre: Undress girl magic cannon battle ADV
Compatible OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
CPU: Required/Pentium4 1.2GHz or higher
Memory: 1024MB or more (2GB or more recommended)
Media: DVD-ROM
Original illustration: Inudouan/Saji Sasai/Akira Kusakami Scenario: Kyuki Fujiwara with planner
Audio: Full voice (main character only in battle part)
Others: Resolution 800×600 Full color

``I'll make this world yours!'' ”

After those words, morning no longer came to our world.
A fairy-tale-like being who calls himself "Kurayami" has appeared, maintaining the same four seasons as before.

Tin robots, fancy dolls, miniature locomotives, etc...
A cute figure that looks like something out of a fairy tale.

``Order to bring all the oil for the oil pitcher'', ``Collect all toys in town'', etc.
I start activities that I don't know if I really want to conquer the world, and I just end up feeling dumbfounded.
The police and the Self-Defense Forces rushed to the scene, but despite her appearance, she's usually playful.
When he gets serious, he wraps his tail around the extremely strong "Kurayami" and runs away.

In the end, I realized that we were no match for our human strength,
"Kurayami", which is not particularly harmful, has gradually become accepted.

But that doesn't mean there's no way to fight back, and another change has come to the world.

The name is magic cannon user.
A fantasy being that flies through the sky and wields magic, holding a broom-shaped weapon called a "magic cannon".
It is the only power that can compete with Kurayami, and it is currently a highly valued profession.

Of course, if there is demand, there is also supply.
In preparation for the coming next generation, a school has been established that specializes in training magic cannon users.

A magic academy located in Akatoki City, commonly known as ``Magic Cannon City''.

This story is about a magic cannon user who enters the magic academy and his friends.
And it is a mysterious story told by many Kurayami.

Well, welcome to Magic Academy!
The most noisy days are waiting for you!

・There is a battle system.
The battle depiction part is expressed using a battle system.
It will have a certain amount of depth, such as LVUP elements, the concept of learning skills, and item equipment, and will be fun to grow.
The battles are fun to watch with comical magic cannon battles where the characters talk well, and attack depictions with flashy effects.
There is a cooperative element, and if you do it well, you can take your turn all the time, which is an exhilarating feeling.
Able to transfer abilities during laps.

・There is an element of undressing in the battle system.
There is a difference in which the clothes will come off by being attacked (being attacked), and if you take off a certain amount of clothes, you can get a fantasy H scene.

・The state of undressing in battle will also be reflected in the ADV portrait.
For characters that have an element of undressing in battle, the undressed part will be displayed as is in the ADV part after the battle, adding to the sense of realism.
When it comes off, the character's expression changes to look embarrassed.
Depending on the skill of the player, even a serious scene may look like a silly erotic scene with the player's panties exposed.

・Realism of sound
Since there are many depictions of people flying in the sky, it creates a realistic feeling of being able to talk to them from above, below, left and right in the air.

(Main character)
Atsuki Tanabata CV: Miyako Suzuta
Relaxing natural blur. She's a good-natured person and doesn't lie.
She fell down in the middle of nowhere, looked away and hit a wall,
She is basically an idiot, bowing her head flat against the wall.

She personally aims to be a solid person, but she ends up running around in vain.
She would proudly report something that was nothing, and she would become desperate about something that was nothing.
She is a beloved person who naturally makes everyone smile.

Bandai Souka CV: Yumi Kasai
When she keeps quiet, she is a perfect superhuman with good looks, excellent grades, and all-round sports skills.
She has an enveloping kindness, but also shows a childish side to those close to her.

However, once she opens her mouth, she reveals her sadistic personality.
Although he is open and merciless, he often gives advice and complains for the sake of his opponents.
He has the personality that the more he likes someone, the more he wants to embarrass him, and the more he sees him like that, the more extreme he becomes.
Rather than the childish side mentioned above, she is just a child. She surprisingly loves children.

Maki Amada CV: Ringo Aoba
She has an overbearing personality like a queen, and she always acts in an overbearing manner.
Since she is strong-willed and has a strong desire to improve, she also has a strong competitive spirit. She is a tsundere.
She is S in a different direction than Saka, and there are some violent parts as well.

On the other hand, she is a homely person and a hard worker. She is caring.
She is a sensible person even in the dormitory, and without Maki, it would turn into chaos.

Lily Kurushima CV: Mio Sakuragawa
Her attitude is big and the way she speaks is bossy, but she doesn't have any dignity or seniority.
She is a flathead in every sense of the word. She has the personality of a selfish kitten.
She has a short temper that gets angry if you make fun of her, but if you take it too far she'll burst into tears.
When she is praised, she quickly becomes a tengu, but when she realizes that he is flattering her, she becomes depressed.

Despite this, she transforms into a gentle and ladylike princess type outside.
She always behaves politely and as a girl you want to protect, it tickles her desire to protect him.
However, her goal is to make a good impression on her instructor.

Rinko Marukawa CV: Yukina Fujimori
She is pure and innocent. To put it another way, she has a lot of assumptions.
She has a gentle and ladylike personality, and from the outside, she is a well-mannered young lady.

However, she is actually a mysterious girl who transmits radio waves from within her brain.
In a sense, she can be said to be a dreamer because she fantasizes and overinterprets things herself.

She has some masochistic qualities, and she trembles just by being hit.
She feels shame and releases her breath just by enduring it,
She is so indiscreet that her body heats up when she is insulted or teased.

Miyu Tachibana CV: Yui Ogura
She is always bright and lively. She is horribly spoiled.
Her emotional expressions are straightforward, and her actions are exaggerated. Super crazy.
She is optimistic and does not think deeply, but she is jealous of the main character.

Mayuto Tanino CV: Tetsuto Koga (Battle mode only)
 main character
He is very friendly and generally kind and helpful.
Although he is somewhat mature, his role is more of a nuisance and caretaker.
He can be as passionate as he wants for something he cares about.

(Sub character)
Yuji Kamishiro CV: Ichigo Milk
Although he is rougher than the main character, he is easy on everyone because of that.
He has a strong sense of justice and cannot tolerate being crooked.

Ayako Masuda CV: Akane Ueda
A laid-back person who works at his own pace. Fake Kyoto dialect.
Fun is always her priority and she is very adaptable.
She doesn't seem to know what she's thinking, and she's sensitive to other people's subtleties.
She cares about her friends and has the kindness to not leave those who are not feeling well alone.

Ryū Ayasaki CV: Mariya Kurata
She is free-spirited and moody.
She is always natural and doesn't put on airs, regardless of gender.
Once she turned on the switch, her human voice could no longer reach her,
She is so focused that she won't sleep until she is satisfied.

However, that is only while there is public attention.
She hangs out in the dormitory wearing just a shirt, and she drinks alcohol all the time.
Her refrigerator is sometimes taken over by alcohol, causing great inconvenience to her students.
He is what you would call a useless person who would be happy if he didn't have a job.

Chizuru Marukawa CV: Mari Sugihara
She is an adult woman who is always resolute and the object of her admiration.
She is both talented and beautiful, and her demeanor is as dashing as a female knight.
Although she may seem strict to others, she cares deeply for her students.

No. 773, Nanami CV: Haruko Komano
Same as a lowly soldier.

Kukuriku CV: Izumi Maki
She has a strong and arrogant attitude, but this becomes the source of a gap.
He is not feared by anyone, friend or foe.

Chikka CV: Kawashimarino
She usually serves as a cool and loyal servant, but she seems to have a passionate personality, and is surprisingly quick and has a rough tone.
She doesn't have much loyalty to her, as she throws kukuriku at her opponents.
However, she has feelings of affection for him and cares for him more than anyone else.

Picky Cracko CV: Sweet
She is very cheerful, and likes exaggerated expressions in both her demeanor and conversation.

G-Fender CV: Ranmaru
His tone is refreshing, like that of a commentator, and he seems like a nice young man.
He has a surprisingly irresponsible and careless personality.

Anonymous Clown CV: Akita Morikawa
A funny and elusive personality.

Black Soldier (Kuropen) White Soldier (Shiropen Leader) CV: Yuuri
Her behavior is adorable, but her attitude is selfish and arrogant.