This is a REDDISH BROWN (to dark brown end results)
Each cone holds 25 grams of natural herbal henna.
Each Cone contains 100 % Natural Henna paste shipped in from India. 
Contains No Chemicals - No ppd - No ammonia

The natural henna is imported from India, which is known to be one of the best regions for henna production. It is a superior quality natural, henna hand-mixed

**You can expect that when the paste is removed from the skin, the stain will be a light orange; however, the color will deepen as the pigments are absorbed into the skin. Within 24-48 hours of the removal of the paste, the stain will develop into a rich, dark reddish-brown. The stain will last approximately 3-10 days, depending on after-care. Naturally, there are variables that will either help develop and maintain the desired results, or prevent effective staining. For best results, paste should be applied to clean skin that is free of lotions or oils. Although the henna is 100% natural and free of harmful chemicals, there are extremely rare instances of allergic reaction to the essential oils. Apply a small amount for a patch-test prior to drawing your design.

**Henna paste can expire if not stored properly. Heat releases the dye content; therefore, henna paste should be refrigerated. Henna paste will retain freshness for up to 1 year if stored properly.

Directions on How To Apply: