Costumes and Settings for Staging Historical Plays. Vol 5: The Nineteenth Century.

von Cassin-Scott, Jack:

Cassin-Scott, Jack:
Verlag / Jahr
London : Batsford, 1980.
Format / Einband
26 cm, gebundene Ausgabe mit Original-Umschlag, 96 p., [4] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; graph. Darst., mit zahlr., teils farbigen Abbildungen,
ca. 930 g
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren, Einband/Schutzumschlag gering berieben, gutes Exemplar. Text / Sprache: Englisch , Costumes and Settings for Staging Historical Plays. Vol 5: The Nineteenth Century. This is the fifth volume in a series of books about costumes and settings for historical plays. The series is intended for all those who are involved with drama whether as costume designers, stage designers, property masters, actors or indeed for those who have an interest in and enthusiasm for period drama. In this volume Jack Cassin-Scott covers the years between 1815-1900 - a period of wars, unrest and great change both materially and culturally. The confusion of these years is reflected in the fashion of the time, with the past frequently providing 'new' ideas - the result being a bewildering array of styles and fashion fads. This is the age when fashion for women moved from loose, high-waisted styles to a heavily corseted silhouette and eventually to clothes encouraging a natural look and movement. Men's styles too gradually became more practical and comfortable. 40 pages of drawings 67 margin drawings 4282A ISBN 0713417102
Jack Cassin-Scott , Costumes and Settings for Staging Historical Plays , The Nineteenth Century , Fashion design Stage Design Theatrical Costume General Drama, Kunst , Fotografie , Darstellende Künste , Theater, Bühne, Kostüme, Costumes, History , For theatre
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Costumes and Settings for Staging Historical Plays. Vol 5: The Nineteenth Century.

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