From the manufacturer

Life Protection Formula
Dog food, Dry dog food, Natural dog food, Senior dog food, Dog food senior, Blue Buffalo dog food

Dog food, Dry dog food, Natural dog food, Senior dog food, Dog food senior, Blue Buffalo dog food

Dog food, Dry dog food, Natural dog food, Senior dog food, Dog food senior, Blue Buffalo dog food

Dog food, Dry dog food, Natural dog food, Senior dog food, Dog food senior, Blue Buffalo dog food

Protein and Carbohydrates

Real meat plus wholesome brown rice provide your senior dog with the energy he needs to stay active.

High-Quality Protein Sources

Real meat is the first ingredient to provide your dog with the protein he needs to help maintain healthy muscles.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Supplemented just for older dogs, this formula helps promote joint and hip health to support overall mobility.

Dog food;Dry dog food;Grain free dog food;Natural dog food;Puppy food;Adult dog food;Senior dog food

Product Description

Because the nutritional requirements for senior dogs are different from other life stages, BLUE Life Protection Formula Chicken and Brown Rice Small Breed Senior dry dog food is made with the ingredients to support your dog’s overall health and well-being. It’s a high-quality, balanced recipe you can both feel great about.With real chicken first and ingredients enhanced with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, BLUE Life Protection formula is designed to help your dog thrive. Formulated specifically for small breed senior dogs, this diet contains Glucosamine and Chondroitin to support overall mobility. It also features special small-bite kibble to promote tartar removal with chewing. Like all BLUE dry foods, BLUE Life Protection Formula includes exclusive antioxidant-rich LifeSource Bits, which are “cold-formed” to retain their potency.Give your dog the balanced nutrition of BLUE Life Protection Formula today.BLUE Life Protection Formula is brought to you by Blue Buffalo, the leader in natural pet food. Blue Buffalo makes premium-quality pet foods featuring real meat, fruit, and vegetables. Love them like family. Feed them like family.

On Feb 11, 2024 at 09:00:37 PST, seller added the following information:
