Your orgonite has to be unique, just like you. Choose up to 5 crystals for your orgonite and make it unique as you deserve!
We know that each person is unique and each one has different paths in life's journey. That is why we offer you the possibility to customize your orgonite according to your healing needs at the moment. 

Religare's Orgonites stand out, uniquely crafted to harness the full potential of Orgone Energy. We utilize Copper and Iron Shavings for their conductivity, combined with Aluminum Powder, all known for their ability to both attract and repel energy. Delve into the essence of our carefully chosen crystals: Clear Quartz is an energy-amplifying, Selenite for cleansing, Shungite for grounding, and Black Tourmaline for purification - all in a potent powdered form. The addition of Graphite boosts the conductivity, while Silicon Carbide enhances strength and protection.

The lotus flower is an important symbol in many cultures. It symbolizes purity, spiritual perfection, and renewal. In the Buddhist tradition, the lotus flower is associated with Buddha himself. In Hinduism, the lotus symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, beauty, fertility, purity, prosperity, and eternity. 
Lotuses are associated with the Hindu goddesses Lakshmi and Vishnu. Both are often depicted sitting on a lotus flower throne or holding lotuses in their hands.
In tantra, lotuses represent the energy centers in the body, known as chakras, each of which is represented by a lotus with different numbers of petals.

Here you can choose up to 5 different crystals to compose your orgonite, see the benefits of each crystal below and type the ones you want on the custom field when you place your order:

(If you leave the custom field in blank, we understand that you want the same orgonite as shown in the picture)

1. Rose Quartz: Compassion and Care
2. Milky Quartz: Integrity and Hope
3. Red Jasper: Positivity and Stability
4. Lapis Lazuli: Focus and Self-Knowledge
5. Amethyst: Balance and Spiritual Awareness
6. Moss Agate: New Beginnings and Prosperity
7. Citrine: Abundance and Manifestation
8. Carnelian: Creativity and Vitality
9. Black Obsidian: Protection and Emotional Blockages
10. Turquoise: Expression and Self-Love
11. Amazonite: Inspiration and Harmony
12. Sodalite: Intuition and Emotional Balance
13. Tiger's Eye: Courage, Protection, and Good Luck
14. Blue Apatite: Communication and Motivation
15. Green Agate: Health, Luck, and Unlock Spiritual Gifts
16. Garnet: Love and Lasting Emotional Bonds
17. Rhodonite: Healing from the Past
18. Angelite: Fraternity, Peace, and Perception
19. Tourmaline: Transmutation, Protection, and Purification
20. Green Aventurine: Prosperity and New Opportunities
21. Onyx: Focus, Memory, and Resilience
22. Hematite: Equilibrium, Grounding, and Memory
23. Jade: Calm and Harmony
24. Howlite: Calming and Spiritual Traveling
25. Pink Agate: Love between Parents and Children
26. Mookaite: Balance, Enthusiasm and Inner Strength 
27. Opal: Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness
28. Blue Agate: Self-awareness and High Vibration
29. Fluorite: Psychic Protection and Organization of Chaos
30. Peridot: Fulfilling Life and Spiritual Protection
31. Pietersite: Access Akashic Records and Clear Limiting Beliefs
32. Unlock Potential and Prosperity
33. Prehnite: Healing and Universal Connection
34. Rhodochrosite: Love, Forgiveness, and Generosity
35. Dragon Blood: Courage, Abundance, and Assertiveness
36. Malachite: Transformation and Connection with Nature
37. Clear Quartz: Energy Purifier and Amplifier
38. Labradorite: Alignment and Perseverance
39. Unakite: Spiritual Gifts and Rebirth
40. Shungite: Grounding and Purification
41. Kyanite: Anxiety Relief and Inner Wisdom
42. Yellow Jade: Happiness and Mature Wisdom
43. Golden Quartz: Multiple Levels of Healing
44. Sunstone: Happiness, Light, and Leadership
45. Moonstone: New Beginnings and Clairvoyance
46. Larimar: Spiritual Path without Guilt or Fear
47. Selenite: Mental Clarity and Spiritual Guidance
48. Orange Aventurine: Happiness, Gratitude, and Optimism
49. Pink Tourmaline: Love, Empathy, and Compassion
50. Blue Chalcedony: Optimism and Adaptability
51. Rutilated Quartz: Energizes the Aura and Helps Channeling
52. Strawberry Quartz: Love, Emotional Healing, and Resolve Past Traumas
53. Rainbow Moonstone: Patience and Emotional Balance
54. Snowflake Obsidian: Frees from Harmful Thoughts and Behaviors
55. Mahogany Obsidian: Strengthens Aura and Supports Growth
56. Mix of Crystals: Trust the Right Energy Will Come to You.

♦ Protects from harmful EMF radiation ♦ Helps to balance and align the chakras ♦ Enhances mental clarity and focus ♦ Promotes restful sleep and reduces insomnia ♦ Boosts overall energy levels ♦ Reduces stress and anxiety ♦ Encourages a positive mood and outlook ♦ Strengthens the immune system ♦ Enhances meditation and spiritual practices ♦ Enhances overall well-being and vitality.

Shape: Round
Diameter: 37 mm / 1.4in
Material: Resin, Crystals, metal
Chain Material: Stainless Steel
Chain length availability: 24 in / 60 cm

All the items are handmade and can be different from the photos. We try to replicate the original design, but each jewelry will come out different, considering different tones and sizes of each crystal. As each crystal is unique, each orgonite is unique as well. 

Up to 7 days for the resin to be fully cured and ready to be polished. 
You will receive your orgonite in a gift box along a cleanse kit and activation instructions. The orgonite works by itself, but you can enhance its power by infusing your own energy, following the steps we provide. 
All orders are provided with tracking number upon the shipping.

Please note that wearing an orgone pendant can enhance your overall wellbeing, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. We recommend that you visit your doctor regularly for any health concerns you may have.

If you are looking for something different or have any question, feel free to message us. It will be a pleasure talking to you. 
Feel free to visit our store to check other handmade designs.

May the Light be with you ✨