Welcome to my eBay

Rainbow Rocks is a Pakistani based Minerals

(taxable business firm).

Its own National Tax number (A249487-7) with FBR(federal board of Revenue) Pakistan.

In our E-bay store, you will find Rare, Natural unique minerals specimens at the best affordable prices.

 Name : Petroleum Quartz crystal

Weight : 5 grams

Measurements : 2.7 × 1.3 cm ( L × w )


Damage if any : No

Treatment if any : Natural

Colour : glassy

Number of pieces : 1

locale : Balochistan Pakistan

comments if any : best for collection

Box no.28

We offer Combined shipping when you make multiple purchases, So please hold on your payment till you Complete your buying, We allow you to hold on to your payments for 10 days and request us an invoice after you accomplish your purchases.

Please don't leave negative or neutral feedback, if any problem with my product, please contact me

The shipment takes normally 10 to 25 working days to deliver by Local economic post while DHL or ups will take deliver the package within 10 to 12 working days.

Our goal is that you will be satisfied with your purchase. If you receive a specimen that isn’t right for you, please contact us to find a better solution within 7 days of receiving it.