FH-2 Keyboard for FT-2000/FT-950/FT-1200/FT-DX3000/FT-DX5000/FT-DX101 etc.

FH-2 KIT remote keyboard for easier operation of various functions on Yaesu transceivers.
Fits e.g..
- FT-891
- 991A  
- FTDX10
- FT-950
- FT-1200
- FT-2000
- FT-DX3000
- FT-DX5000
- FT-DX101

Depending on the transceiver, this can be used, for example, to retrieve and write to the keyer/voicekeyer memories.

Size: 60*45*8mm (excluding protrusions)
Jack: 3.5mm audio jack


1. Voice memory: 5 memory channels (numbers 1-5) buttons

In the case of voice memory, up to 20 seconds of audio can be stored on each channel. "Message Memory" and "Text Memory" can be used for contest memory keys. Each "message memory" channel can hold a CW message of 50 characters, using Paris standard character and word lengths. Each "text memory" channel can hold up to 50 characters.

2. Cursor buttons - the cursor can be moved in two different directions (right/left). Typically, these buttons are used to adjust the VFO frequency. Press the button to change the frequency in the same increments as the Mic Up/DWN switch. Press the button to change the frequency in 100kHz steps

3. P/B button - When entering continuous text, you can insert a space with the cursor blinking.

4. MEM button - press this button to store voice memory or race key memory.

5. DEC Button - When using the Sequential Race Numbering ability of the race key, pressing this button decrements (decrements) the current race number by one digit (ie from #198 to #197, etc.).

1*3.5mm JACK
(This product is a DIY KIT and does not provide instructions for use. Please refer to the machine manual to set up the use of FH-2. thanks)