10 x Peach Tiger Chilli Seeds + 5 random seeds

Capsicum Chinense

10 x peach tiger chilli seeds + 5 random seeds .

Holy Fire chilli company specialise in edible plants , flowers , chillis , chilli plants and all kinds of ornamental plants , trees and shrubs .

We try to source all our products from organic suppliers . We grow all that we grow ourselves organically.

When a product is organic it will be stated so

No refunds or replacements given if seeds are confiscated or destroyed by customs .

The Peach Tiger is the peach-colored variant of the famous Pink Tiger. It is a cross between the Bhut Jolokia and the Pimenta da Neyde, the plant is luxuriant and purple. The fruits are long and tapered in purple, so they are practically identical to the Pink Tiger but differ in the fact that when ripe they become totally peach-colored. The spiciness is remarkable and is around 300,000 Shu.

I love tiger chillis , the colours, the shapes , the taste which is hot ! But exotic , fruity sometimes citrus always brutal it’s like the Rioja of the chilli world .

Peach Tiger is from the States producing very unusual pods, good producer in the right climate, the colour of the pods will change based on the type and strength of light

Ideal Growing : Tunnel - Greenhouse - Indoors yes but will have lower yield due flower drop off Outdoors requires the plant to be hardened first -

Easy to Grow : Yes

Easy to Germinate : Only with a heated or heat mat propagator 25-28c Constant Heat

Top Growing Tips - Do not over water, Do not over feed - Chilli Plants love oxygen and sun more than water and food .