Best Trees Company™

Plants Make A House Feel Like A Home™

Sending as a gift?🎈please choose...'THIS IS A GIFT'(at check out), add your personalized message, and we will enclose it with your gift plant at no charge to you. Say it with a plant!

The Strange Little Fruit That Tricks Your Taste Buds! Did you know there is a fruit that changes anything you eat to taste Sweet after you eat the berry? 
It’s true! That is what the berries from this tree does! You can grow these amazing fruits indoors, on your patio or in your yard...

FUN Food... The Berry is also used recreationally in high-end restaurants and for small private parties. Few people know this is possible. *These experiences are often referred to as Flavor Tripping"! This tree grows indoors or outdoors... Have annual fun parties with friends they will be amazed that you have a tree that produces a fun berry like this.

Here is the link to add the Organic Rabbit Fertilizer to your tree order
(Cut & paste)...
 Miracle Berry Fruit Tree
(Not fruiting at this time)
Ships: wrapped root ball

*The berry mask the metallic taste food gets after a person has a chemo treatment. Nausea is eliminated, and the person no longer has an aversion to eating meals. The best part is that it's all natural.

Pics are only a representation of this offering. Baskets are not offered. As in nature, not all the leaves are perfect. Some might come with slight imperfections, a tear here and there, discoloration, spots, etc., but our plants are strong and healthy with great root systems.

🔹Food cost will never be less than it is today! Grow your own 

This Exotic FUN Party Fruit Makes Everything Taste Sweet.... Rare Miracle Fruit, "Synsepalum dulcificum” 
Sweet Berry Fruit Fun Fact: This Berry fruit plant is a perennial evergreen. The miracle that this fruit performs is to make everything taste sweet. 


While the actual taste of the fruit's pulp & juice are subtle, it is the consumption of foods after having the berry that is surprising. When the berry/fruit is eaten and the pulp allowed to coat the taste buds, an miraculous effect occurs. A slice of lemon or lime will taste deliciously sweet. The marvelous aroma and sweetness of the citrus remains but the sourness is covered up. Strawberries taste like they are dipped in sugar. The effect lasting for 30 minutes to two hours, all foods become magically sweet! Vinegar tastes like sweet wine, califlower like sweet apple & tomatoes sweeter than ever! 

The berries have become increasingly popular throughout America. Once you chew the tasteless berry, it's juice coats your tongue. Everything you eat for the next two hours tastes sweet. 

This plant prefers acidic soil and loves containers. It grows almost 1 foot each year, reaching a height of 3 ft. at maturity. The bright red berries catch attention against the deep green foliage, and you get to enjoy fruit for most of the year.

Self-Fruiting: This tree produces small, white flowers, which are followed by vivid scarlet blooms. It's self-pollinating. You will see even more berries if you set your tree outside and let the wind and bees & butterflies do their work. 

⛄ ❄ If your temps are colder than 40 degrees, adding a Heat Pack (at check out) to your order is recommended. Please understand, only you can choose to add the Heat Pack to be enclosed with your tree order. We do not know the temperatures in your area and/or during transit, and we are not responsible for cold damage with/or without the heat pack . Our Shop Policy does not offer a tree replacement or refund, no exceptions. (Cut & paste)...

Orders placed Wednesday through Sunday will ship out on the following Monday & Tuesday... 

We do not ship to, Canada, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands, nor do we do any freight forwarding locations, hotels, or Military (AFO/FPO). Orders are shipped to the address shown on the Ebay receipt provided by you.

You will receive a tracking number on or before the day we release your tree to your carrier. Your tracking number will be sent to you 📬 via email, allowing you to track your tree a Full Door-to-Door Tracking to its destination. When your tree is delivered, please be sure to bring it indoors as soon as it arrives. 

➤➤ Shop Policy: The buyer understands and agrees to the Terms Of Service Agreement as follows when making this purchase. No warranty has been expressed, implied, and/or given with the purchase of this tree. Once we receive the buyer’s order, the tree order is processed within thirty minutes and we can not except cancelations. Fruit bearing trees are perishable, and because the tree is no longer in the seller's possession when the recipient receives the tree, it is the recipients responsibly to provide the tree with the proper care needed for the tree to survive from the day the tree is received. Importantly, the act of removing the protective wrapping from the root ball and potting/planting the tree, is viewed as a clear, convincing and substantial verification the recipient has deemed the tree to be healthy and worthy of potting/planting at the time the tree was received. Therefore, if the recipient takes the action to proceed with the potting/planting of the tree, the recipient of the tree, immediately and unequivocally assumes the responsibility for the life and health of the tree, and no refund or replacement of the tree is available. We use ups or usps as the carrier, and ship with a buyer protection insurance. If the buyer wants their tree shipped via any another carrier other than ups or usps, the buyer must give us (seller) written notice of their desired carrier at the time the order is placed. Buyer understands, and agrees, the shipping fee is determined by the (not the seller) buyer’s carrier, and the shipping fee is paid by the buyer. Therefore, by definition, the carrier is working for the buyer, and not the seller. Once the buyer's tree ordered is accepted by the buyer’s carrier, the plant order is in the carrier’s total care, and responsible for making a timely and safe delivery. If the tree is damaged or lost while in the possession of the buyer’s carrier, the recipient/buyer is eligible to file an "indemnity claim” (insurance claim) with the carrier. Seller will not file said claim on the buyer’s behalf. Seller is not liable and/or responsible for loss or damage done to the tree after the buyer’s carrier has taken possession of the tree. Ebay does not hold the seller responsible for damage done to the tree once the buyer’s carrier has take possession of the tree, and considers a buyer dispute ineligible for Ebay's case system. Lastly, in the event the tree delivery is refused by any person at the ship to address, the seller will not make any reimbursement to the buyer of any amount. Also, the buyer will be responsible for any return charges the carrier bills the seller for. 
Posting the above Terms Of Service Agreement in its entirety, is our effort to clearly and accurately convey/described in advance, the Terms of Service Agreement both buyer and seller are agreeing to when the buyer places their order.