Lot of 4 WI Magazine of History from 1988
Published by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Vol. 71, No. 2-4 and Vol. 72, No. 1

Urban Services in Gilded Age Wisconsin
Milwaukee's German-American Community and the Nazi Challenge of the 1930's

In Search of Chaeter: New Findings on Black Hawk's Surrender
The Civilian Conservation Corps and Wisconsin State Park Development
Pages from My Past: The Civilian Conservation Corps

Theodora Winton Youmans and the Wisconsin Woman Movement
Gerald J. Boileau and the Politics of Sectionalism: Dairy Interests and the New Deal, 1933-1938
Woodrow Wilson, Frederick Jackson Turner, and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Aldo Leopold: A Review Essay

My Mission to Moscow: An American Historian in the Soviet Union
Pointing with Pride, Viewing with Alarm: A Review Essay