gravure exécutée en 1925

Dimensions toute la feuille 23x16 centimètres

Document authentique et original du XXe siècle

Antoine Édouard Jeanselme (14 juin 1858 à Paris - 9 avril 1935 à Paris) est un dermatologue français, connu pour ses recherches sur la syphilis et la lèpre. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur l'histoire de la médecine. Il eut notamment en tant qu'interne le dermatologue Albert Sézary.

Antoine Édouard Jeanselme (14 June 1858, Paris – 9 April 1935, Paris) was a French dermatologist, known for his research of syphilis and leprosy. He was the author of numerous works with history of medicine themes (medicine of the Byzantine Empire, leprosy in medieval France, et al). In 1883 he began work as a hospital intern, receiving his medical doctorate in 1888. In 1898–1900 he conducted research of leprosy in French Indo-China, during which time, he also conducted studies of beriberi, framboesia, syphilis and variola. In 1901 he became an associate professor, and in 1919 attained the chair of chair of dermatology and syphilology at the faculty of medicine in Paris.