UCLA Vs. USC : A Rivalry of Hate, Paperback by Stueve, Spencer; Cross, Randy; Layton, Roddy, ISBN 154514298X, ISBN-13 9781545142981, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

The rivalry between UCLA and USC is unlike any other in sports. When the Bruins and the Trojans compete, families are torn. Friends become enemies. Nothing matters more than beating your rival, and when the two Los Angeles foes meet, fans are often in for a this book, you will read about the moments that have made the rivalry between UCLA and USC so great. You will read about the greatest games, the greatest players, and the greatest moments. You will read about the pranks, the fights, and all the moments that have helped make the rivalry the best in sports. In 1929, UCLA and USC met on the football field for the first time. Los Angeles has never been the same.