??? RECORD UP TO 30 SECONDS - Your custom programmable button allows for 30 seconds of recording. That???s three times longer than many of our competitors. Record thirty seconds of sound, music, talking, or whatever you like. ??? 15 BUTTON STICKERS INCLUDED - With your purchase comes 15 clear stickers with black text, each with a different phrase so you can customize the look of your talking button. Sticker phrases include: No!, Yes!, F*#%!, Fail!, OMG!, BS (bullshit), Game Over!, Panic!, $, Go Away, Push, Whatever, LMAO, ?, !. ??? HIGH QUALITY SOUND - Enjoy a loud, high-quality sound when using your recordable talking box! After recording your message, buzz sound, or phrase, flip the switch on the bottom of the button to ???playback??? mode. The volume of the playback is loud and clear, making it easy for everyone to join in the fun. Your button is powered by two AAA batteries. Replace the batteries when the sound gets low to enjoy full, clear sound once again.