Therapy Air® Smart uses 360° multi-stage filtration system which allows purified air to be quickly distributed in all corners of the 71m2 indoor space.
Thanks to its three-dimensional circulation system, the air will be purified no matter where you place the device.

How It Works?

Therapy Air® Smart uses short- wave UV-C light of 265-315 nm which splits the RNA/DNA material in the cell nucleus of microorganisms, making them unable to live and reproduce. The UV light mimics the antimicrobial power of sunlight and instead of filtering, completely eradicates mould spores and pathogens.

A Perfect Balance of Superior Technology and Sophisticated Design for the 99.9% Clean Air.

Negative ions relax the mind and body, increase metabolism, stabilize appetite and blood pressure, enhance recovery from physical exhaustion, and help one feel refreshed and invigorated.