For this item, you’ll be purchasing a set of 5 coins from a variety of countries, and from a variety of dates going all the way back as far as 1736 (although the vast majority of the coins are from the 20th century, with many being from the first half of the century). All coins have been gently but painstakingly and properly cleaned as much as possible (cleaning coins properly is a VERY delicate and time consuming task, and still might not get it “100% clean”, but removes as much excess dirt as possible without affecting the patina at all), and then very lightly covered in the same wax protection “polish” they use in the Smithsonian Institutes to help preserve the coin in all it’s beauty for years to come! This would be a perfect set to add to any collection, as it will just broaden the variety of coins you’ve got, and give you a reason to learn a little more about other cultures and their histories! I know if you purchase this set, you won’t regret it!