1647 FAMED Italian Loredanian Academy VENICE 107 PORTRAIT Biographies Brusoni


Girolamo Brusoni was a 17th-century Italian writer who served on the Loredanian Academy, or the Accademia degli Incogniti – a collection of notable Italian intellectuals. Brusoni sought to highlight the lives of the men of the academy by publishing a collection of short biographies of each. This work contains impressive, full-page portrait engravings of each figure. Especially important for women’s studies, history of music, and libertinism in Italy!


Item number: #24294

Price: $995


BRUSONI, Girolamo


Le glorie de gli Incogniti o vero gli huomini illustri dell'Accademia de' signori Incogniti di Venetia


In Venetia : Appresso Francesco Valuasense, 1647. 1st edition


·       Collation:

o   [12], 424 (of 432)

o   107 engravings

·       Language: Italian

·       Binding: Vellum

·       Size: ~8.75in X 6.75in (22cm x 17cm)

·       VERY rare and desirable with auction records and price comparisons as high as $5,000


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